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Pedro Almodóvar To Receive Film At Lincoln Center’s 50th Chaplin Award

스페인 거장 페드로 알모도바르 감독 2025 링컨센터 채플린상 수상



2021년 10월 뉴욕영화제에서 '평행의 엄마들' 언론 시사회 후 페드로 알모도바르 감독이 배우 페넬로페 크루즈, 밀레나 슈미트와 기자회견을 열고 있다. Photo: Sukie Park/NYCultureBeat 


스페인 거장 페드로 알모도바르(Pedro Almodóvar, 75) 감독이 링컨센터 필름소사이어티가 주관하는 제 50회 채플린상(2024)을 수상한다. 시상식은 2025년 4월 28일 갈라로 열린다. 


알모도바르는 스페인 칼사다 데 칼라트라바에서 태어나 10대에 영화감독이 되기위해 마드리드로 갔다. 스페인 국립전화 회사에서 일하면서 수퍼8 카메라를 구입해 단편영화를 만들기 시작했다. 그후 12년 동안 연극 그룹과 펑크 밴드와 협업하고, 언더그라운드 잡지에 글을 쓰기도 했다. 


그는 '신경쇠약 직전의 여자(Women on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown, 1988), '욕망의 낮과 밤(Tie Me Up! Tie Me Down!, 1989), '귀향(Volver, 2006)', '페인 앤 글로리(Pain and Glory, 2019) 등 장편영화 23편과 단편 여러편을 연출했다. '그녀에게(Talk to Her, 2002)'로 아카데미상 최우수 오리지널 시나리오상, '내 어머니의 모든 것(All About My Mother, 1999)'으로 아카데미 최우수 외국어 영화상을 비롯, 골든 글로브상, 5개의 BAFTA상, 고야상 최우수 감독상 3회 수상, 11회 후보 지명, 4회의 세자르상 수상, 칸 영화제 최우수 감독상을 포함한 많은 찬사를 받았다. 뉴욕영화제엔 올해의 '옆방(Room Next Door)'까지 총 15편이 상영됐다. 


채플린상은 알프레드 히치콕, 시드니 포이티어, 바바라 스트라이샌드, 마틴 스콜세지, 메릴 스트립, 스파이크 리, 케이트 블란쳇, 비올라 데이비스, 제프 브리지스(아래에 수상자 전체 목록 참조) 등 전설적인 배우와 영화 감독에게 수여되었다. 채플린상 갈라는 링컨센터 필름소사이어티를 위한 주요 연례 기금모금 행사로 수익금은 영화 시리즈, 학생 프로그램, 뉴욕 영화제 및 뉴 디렉터즈/뉴 필름즈 등 영화제를 포함한 연중 프로그램을 지원한다. 


*NYFF61 페드로 알모도바르의 동성애 서부극 '이상한 방식의 삶(Strange Way of Life) ★★★★☆



*NYFF59 (10) '평행의 엄마들(Parallel Mothers)': 모두들 페미니스트가 되라! ★★★★★



*NYFF57 (10) 페드로 알모도바르의 '페인 앤 글로리(Pain and Glory)' ★★★★ 








Award to be presented at gala event on April 28, 2025

New York, NY (Oct. 4, 2024) – Film at Lincoln Center (FLC) announces that internationally acclaimed Spanish film director, screenwriter, and author Pedro Almodóvar is the recipient of the 50th Chaplin Award. He will be honored at a gala evening at Lincoln Center on April 28, 2025. The announcement was made tonight by FLC President Lesli Klainberg prior to the 62nd New York Film Festival Centerpiece premiere of Almodóvar’s first English-language feature, The Room Next Door, which won the Golden Lion at this year’s Venice Film Festival and opens at FLC on December 20.

Internationally recognized for his spirited and bold storytelling with a distinctive and colorful visual style, Pedro Almodóvar is one of Spain’s most celebrated filmmakers. His work is characterized by a blend of humor and melodrama and his ability to create resonant, emotional stories often centered around the lives of strong and fearless women. He has directed 23 features, including Women on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown (1988), Tie Me Up! Tie Me Down! (1989), Volver (2006), and Pain and Glory (2019), as well as several short films, including The Human Voice (2020) and Strange Way of Life (2023). Almodóvar has received many accolades, including the Academy Awards and Golden Globes for Best Original Screenplay for Talk to Her (2002) and Best Foreign Language Film for All About My Mother (1999), five BAFTA Awards, a record three wins and 11 nominations for the Goya Award for Best Director, four César Awards, and Best Director at Cannes. 

The Chaplin Award Tribute will feature excerpts from his work; appearances by co-stars, friends, and colleagues; and Almodóvar in person to accept the award.  

The Chaplin Award has been bestowed upon legendary actors and filmmakers such as Alfred Hitchcock, Sidney Poitier, Barbara Streisand, Martin Scorsese, Meryl Streep, Spike Lee, Cate Blanchett, Viola Davis, and Jeff Bridges (complete list of honorees below). The Chaplin Award Gala is the major annual fundraiser for Film at Lincoln Center; proceeds support the nonprofit organization’s year-round programs, including film series, student programs, and film festivals such as the New York Film Festival and New Directors/New Films.

“Pedro burst into our lives in 1985 with the premiere of his irreverent and darkly humorous film What Have I Done to Deserve This? at New Directors/New Films. I hosted a suitably spirited party in my apartment that night, and it was then that I fell in love,” said Wendy Keys, Secretary of the Film at Lincoln Center Board of Directors. “Over the years, he has had 15 films in the New York Film Festival and also helped launch the Walter Reade Theater with a raucous screening of High Heels in 1991. We all adore his lively characters, gorgeous palette, and mischievous sense of fun, but his films also affirm his profound love for women and a deep understanding of the human condition. We could not be happier to name Pedro as the recipient of the 50th Chaplin Award.”

“Pedro Almodóvar is a storytelling master whose artistry, creativity, and exceptional talent have captivated audiences and filmmakers alike,” said Lesli Klainberg, President, Film at Lincoln Center. “From his earliest films, he has immersed us in emotionally rich, vibrant, complex, and compassionate worlds. A steadfast believer in cinema’s ability to both entertain and illuminate the human experience, Pedro had touched the hearts of film lovers around the world. Film at Lincoln Center is proud to honor Pedro Almodóvar with the 50th Chaplin Award.”

Almodóvar was born in Calzada de Calatrava, Spain and left his small town for Madrid as a teenager to realize his dreams of becoming a filmmaker. Arriving with few prospects, he secured “proper” employment at the National Telephone Company of Spain, which allowed him to purchase his first Super 8 camera. For the next 12 years, Almodóvar split his time between this serious day job and crazy nights collaborating with theater groups and punk bands, writing for underground magazines, and making short films with his friends. In 1980, after a year and a half of filming on a shoestring budget, Almodóvar made his feature-length debut with Pepi, Luci, Bom. Since then, he has never stopped writing and directing films, which include the Academy Award winners All About My Mother and Talk to Her.

His long-standing relationship with FLC began with New Directors/New Films screenings of What Have I Done to Deserve This? in 1985 and Law of Desire in 1987. The Room Next Door marks his 15th NYFF selection, of which a record-setting nine titles have been gala presentations. He made his NYFF debut in 1988 with Women on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown (NYFF26) as the Opening Night selection, and again opened NYFF in 1999 with All About My Mother (NYFF37). Bad Education (NYFF42), Volver (NYFF44), and The Room Next Door (NYFF62) were selected as Centerpieces, and Live Flesh (NYFF35), Talk to Her (NYFF40), Broken Embraces (NYFF47), and Parallel Mothers (NYFF59) were Closing Night selections. Additional NYFF selections include The Flower of My Secret (NYFF33), The Skin I Live In (NYFF49), Julieta (NYFF54), Pain and Glory (NYFF57), The Human Voice (NYFF58), and Strange Way of Life (NYFF61).

You can secure premium seating at the Chaplin Award Gala Tribute with Gala Dinner and Tribute tickets. For information about attending the Gala, please contact galarsvp@filmlinc.org. Tribute-only tickets will go on sale this December. All proceeds from the Chaplin Award Gala benefit Film at Lincoln Center’s programs and activities as a nonprofit organization.


역대 채플린상 수상자 Past Chaplin Award Gala Honorees:


2024 배우 제프 브리지스 Jeff Bridges

2023 배우 비올라 데이비스 Viola Davis

2022 배우 케이트 블랜쳇 Cate Blanchett

2021 감독 스파이크 리 Spike Lee

2018 배우 헬렌 미렌 Helen Mirren

2017 배우 로버트 드 니로 Robert De Niro

2016 배우 모간 프리만 Morgan Freeman

2015 배우/감독 로버트 레드포드 Robert Redford

2014 감독 로브 라이너 Rob Reiner

2013 배우/감독 바브라 스트라이샌드 Barbra Streisand

2012 배우 카트린느 드뇌브 Catherine Deneuve

2011 배우 시드니 포이티어 Sidney Poitier

2010 배우 마이클 더글라스 Michael Douglas

2009 배우 톰 행크스 Tom Hanks

2008 배우 메릴 스트립 Meryl Streep

2007 배우 다이앤 키튼 Diane Keaton

2006 배우 제시카 랭 Jessica Lange

2005 배우 더스틴 호프만 Dustin Hoffman

2004 배우 마이클 케인 Michael Caine

2003 배우 수잔 새런든 Susan Sarandon

2002 감독 프란시스 포드 코폴라 Francis Ford Coppola

2001 배우 제인 폰다 Jane Fonda

2000 배우 알 파치노 Al Pacino

1999 감독 마이크 니콜스 Mike Nichols

1998 감독 마틴 스콜세지 Martin Scorsese

1997 배우 숀 코너리 Sean Connery

1996 배우/감독 클린트 이스트우드 Clint Eastwood

1995 배우 셜리 맥클레인 Shirley MacLaine

1994 감독 로버트 알트만 Robert Altman

1993 배우 잭 레몬 Jack Lemmon

1992 배우 그레고리 펙 Gregory Peck

1991 배우 오드리 헵번 Audrey Hepburn

1990 배우 제임스 스튜어트 James Stewart

1989 배우 베티 데이비스 Bette Davis

1988 배우 이브 몽탕 Yves Montand

1987 배우 알렉 기네스 Alec Guinness

1986 배우 엘리자베스 테일러 Elizabeth Taylor

1985 감독 페데리코 펠리니 Federico Fellini

1984 배우 클로데트 콜베르 Claudette Colbert

1983 배우 로렌스 올리비에 Laurence Olivier

1982 감독 빌리 와일더 Billy Wilder

1981 배우 바바라 스탠윅 Barbara Stanwyck

1980 감독 존 휴스턴 John Huston

1979 배우 밥 호프 Bob Hope

1978 감독 조지 쿠커 George Cukor

1975 배우 조안 우드워드 & 폴 뉴만 Joanne Woodward & Paul Newman

1974 감독 알프레드 히치코크 Alfred Hitchcock

1973 배우 프레드 아스테어 Fred Astaire

1972 배우/감독 찰리 채플린 Charles Chap


Film at Lincoln Center (FLC) is a nonprofit organization that celebrates cinema as an essential art form and fosters a vibrant home for film culture to thrive. FLC presents premier film festivals, retrospectives, new releases, and restorations year-round in state-of-the-art theaters at New York’s Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts. FLC offers audiences the opportunity to discover works from established and emerging directors from around the world with a passionate community of film lovers at marquee events including the New York Film Festival and New Directors/New Films.

Founded in 1969, FLC is committed to preserving the excitement of the theatrical experience for all audiences, advancing high-quality film journalism through the publication of Film Comment, cultivating the next generation of film industry professionals through our FLC Academies, and enriching the lives of all who engage with our programs.

The Chaplin Award Gala is generously supported by Media Partners The New York Times and The Hollywood Reporter. American Airlines is the official airline of Film at Lincoln Center.


