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맨해튼 타임스퀘어 인근 타운홀에서 한국 디아스포라를 주제로 한 두 작가의 토론회가 열린다. '반도의 봄 (Spring On the Peninsula)'의 에리 신(Ery Shin)과 '더 밴드(The Band)'의 크리스틴 마-켈람스(Christine Ma-Kellams)가 타운홀의 "K-Town Hall Series"의 한 프로그램에서 한국 디아스포라를 논한다. '반도의 봄(Spring on Peninsula)'는 서울 직장인의 이야기, '더 밴드(The Band)'는 어느날 은둔생활을 하게된 K-팝 아이돌의 스토리를 담았다.



K-Town Hall Series


The Town Hall Presents

The Other Korea: Stories From The Diaspora


Sat / Oct 12 / 7:00 PM

The Town Hall, NYC: 123 West 43rd Street


This event takes place in The Town Hall Lounge. All tickets included both books.




Join authors Ery Shin (Spring On the Peninsula) and Christine Ma-Kellams (The Band) as they discuss their books and stories from the Korean diaspora. Part of Town Hall's "K-Town Hall Series," each ticket includes a copy of Spring On the Peninsula and The Band.


Ery Shin was born in Ames, Iowa in 1986. She was raised in Manhattan for the first decade of her life, then Seoul for the second. She received a bachelor's degree in English from Princeton University and a doctorate in the same discipline from the University of Oxford. The author of Gertrude Stein’s Surrealist Years, a study of Stein’s later experimental gestures and their philosophical implications within Hitler’s Europe, she is currently an assistant professor of English at the University of Southern Mississippi. Spring on the Peninsula is her debut novel.


Christine Ma-Kellams is a Harvard-trained cultural psychologist, Pushcart-nominated fiction writer, and first-generation American. Her work and writing have appeared in HuffPost, Chicago Tribune, Catapult, Salon, The Wall Street Journal, the Rumpus, and many more publications. The Band is her first novel. You can find her in person at one of California’s coastal cities or online at ChristineMa-Kellams.com.




Spring on the Peninsula

A Novel

By Ery Shin


A desultory libertine mourns a failed relationship over the course of two harsh winters in this unprecedented portrait of millennials living in Seoul.


The time is roughly now and Kai, a white-collar worker, has just been abandoned by his longtime lover. Follow him through a labyrinth of alleyways as he reels from this sudden departure. Accompany him up snowy mountains where he contemplates ending his own life. That mourning can be both an art and ever-unfolding journey is epitomized in the paths that Kai crosses and the lives he alters for better or worse.


Kai is not the only one feeling disoriented and aimless these days. Those in his inner circle similarly experience personal crises as they go through their thirties in a nation simmering with class and generational tensions as well as the specter of new and old wars. Evocative of Dangerous Liaisons in its social appraisals, and in the tradition of Neruda’s erotic reveries, Ery Shin’s striking debut captures contemporary Seoul in all of its glory and turmoil. Phantasmagorical and melancholic, and daringly irreverent, Spring on the Peninsula is a poignant meditation on modern life in a city beset by North Korea’s shadow.



The Band

A Novel

By Christine Ma-Kellams


A psychologist with a savior complex offers shelter to a recently cancelled K-pop idol in this “first great K-pop literary phenomenon” (Debutiful) that is perfect for fans of Mouth to Mouth and Black Buck. Sang Duri is the eldest member and “visual” of a Korean boy band at the apex of global superstardom. But when his latest solo single accidentally leads to controversy, he’s abruptly canceled.


To spare the band from fallout with obsessive fans and overbearing management, Duri disappears from the public eye by hiding out in the McMansion of a Chinese American woman he meets in a Los Angeles H-Mart. But his rescuer is both unhappily married and a psychologist with a savior complex, a combination that makes their potential union seductive and incredibly problematic.


Meanwhile, in Seoul, the band’s music producer, Pinocchio, remembers his first brainchild: a girl group that tragically disbanded under mysterious circumstances. The past and the present combine to ignite a spiral of violent interactions that might change the fates of both the band members and the music industry.


In its “gripping exploration of the complexities that accompany fame” (Booklist), The Band considers the many ways in which love and celebrity can devolve into something far more sinister.






*'한류를 이해하는 33가지 코드: BTS, 기생충, 그리고 오징어 게임을 넘어서'에 무엇이? 



한류를 이해하는 33가지 코드
#20 82년생 김지영 도서 한류 열풍 
2016년 출간, 세계 31개국에서 번역되고 영화화된 조남주 소설 '1982년생 김지영'과 한국여성의 인권의 현주소를 점검한다. 유교의 나라 한국에서 여성을 비하하는 속담도 많지만, 세계적으로 이름을 날린 여성 작가들은 한인여성들이거나, 코리안아메리칸 여성들(한강, 수잔 최, 이민진, 최돈미, 캐시 홍 박. 미셸 자우너...)이다.  
33 Keys to Decoding the Korean Wave
#20 K-Books and Korean Feminism
Cho Nam-Joo's novel, "Kim Jiyoung, Born 1982" (2016), has now been published in 31 countries worldwide. It examines the current state of women's human rights in Korea. In a country deeply influenced by Confucianism, there are numerous proverbs that disparage women. However, it's noteworthy that some of the world-famous female writers are either Korean women or Korean American women, including Han Kang, Susan Choi, Min Jin Lee, Don Mee Choi, and Kathy Park Hong.


