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한양마트 롱아일랜드 지점

H&Y Marketplace  뱀장어와 드래곤 프룻 즐기는 '롱아일랜드 미디움' 남편



한양마트(H&Y Marketplace)의 롱아일랜드 힉스빌 지점이 케이블 TV TLC의 '롱아일랜드 미디움(Long Island Medium)'에 등장했다.

'롱아일랜드 미디움'은 산 사람과 죽은 사람을 연결시켜주는 초능력을 지닌 롱아일랜드의 영매술사 테레사 카푸토씨가 사람들을 만나 치유해주는 이야기를 다루는 프로그램이다.


지난 4월 6일 오후 9시 방영분에서 테레사 카푸토는 남편 래리 카푸토가 좋아하는 H&Y Marketplace에 장보러 갔다. 이탈리아 출신 래리 카푸토는 특히 뱀장어를 좋아한다고. 그의 어머니가 가르쳐준 이탈리안 뱀장어 피클 레서피에 따르면 장어를 튀긴 다음 식초에 절인다고.


카푸토 부부는 이어 과일 스탠드로 가서 드래곤 프룻(Dragon Fruits, 피타야)을 집어 들은 후 마켓 사장인 한인 로버트 한에게 물어본다. 로버트 한씨는 음력 설이 한국어로는 '구정'이라고 설명한 후, 올해는 말띠해 중 청마해로 올해 나온 드래곤 프룻이라 특별하다고 설명해준다.


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후반부에 래리 카푸토씨가 부엌에서 드래곤 프룻을 자르고, 이때 아들 로렌조가 들어온다. 아들은 한국산 배를 들고, 중국에서 설날 세뱃돈 주는 풍습에 대해 장면도 나온다.

*'Long Island Medium' clip

*Pickled Eel recipe

Drain, wash, and well cleanse your eels, and cut off the heads. Cut them in lengths of four or five inches, with their skins on; stew in them some pepper and salt, and broil them on a gridiron a fine colour: then put them in layers in a jar, with bay-leaf, pepper, salt, a few slices of lemon, and a few cloves. Pour some good vinegar on them; tie strong paper over, and prick a few holes in it. It is better to boil the seasoning with some sweet herbs in the vinegar, and let it stand to be cold before it is put over the eels. Two yolks of eggs boiled hard should be put in the vinegar with a tea-spoonful of flour of mustard. Two yolks are sufficient for twelve pounds of eels.

- See more at: http://www.vintagerecipes.net/books/ladys_own_cookery_book/eels_to_pickle.php#sthash.AjkFyUJI.dpuf

Eels, to pickle


Drain, wash, and well cleanse your eels, and cut off the heads. Cut them in lengths of four or five inches, with their skins on; stew in them some pepper and salt, and broil them on a gridiron a fine colour: then put them in layers in a jar, with bay-leaf, pepper, salt, a few slices of lemon, and a few cloves. Pour some good vinegar on them; tie strong paper over, and prick a few holes in it. It is better to boil the seasoning with some sweet herbs in the vinegar, and let it stand to be cold before it is put over the eels. Two yolks of eggs boiled hard should be put in the vinegar with a tea-spoonful of flour of mustard. Two yolks are sufficient for twelve pounds of eels.

- See more at: http://www.vintagerecipes.net/books/ladys_own_cookery_book/eels_to_pickle.php#sthash.AjkFyUJI.dpuf

Eels, to pickle


Drain, wash, and well cleanse your eels, and cut off the heads. Cut them in lengths of four or five inches, with their skins on; stew in them some pepper and salt, and broil them on a gridiron a fine colour: then put them in layers in a jar, with bay-leaf, pepper, salt, a few slices of lemon, and a few cloves. Pour some good vinegar on them; tie strong paper over, and prick a few holes in it. It is better to boil the seasoning with some sweet herbs in the vinegar, and let it stand to be cold before it is put over the eels. Two yolks of eggs boiled hard should be put in the vinegar with a tea-spoonful of flour of mustard. Two yolks are sufficient for twelve pounds of eels.

- See more at: http://www.vintagerecipes.net/books/ladys_own_cookery_book/eels_to_pickle.php#sthash.AjkFyUJI.dpuf
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