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메트오페라 ‘La Rondine(제비)’

사랑과 행복을 갈구하는 파리지엔 마그다

RONDFD_2365a-M.jpg Photo: Ken Howard

푸치니의 졸작으로 평가되면서 레퍼토리에서 무시당해온 '라 론디네(La Rondine, 제비)'가 화려하게 부활했다. 2008년 메트오페라는

70여년간 지하에 파묻혔던 '라 론디네'를 제작하면서 당시 부부였던 소프라노 안젤라 게오르규와 테너 로베르토 알라냐를 캐스팅했다. 

아르데코의 무대 장치에 다소 자장가같은 멜로디에 극적인 이야기가 결여된 로맨스는 '오페라'의 공식에서 벗어난 작품.

‘라 론디네’는 1920년대 파리를 배경으로 철 따라 떠나는 제비같은 고급 매춘부(Courtesan, 코티산) 마그다와 후원자인 은행가 람발도,

 애인 루제로가 펼치는 로맨스를 그렸다.

2013 메트 무대엔 라트비아 출신 푸치니 전문 소프라노 크리스틴 오폴레스(Kristine Opolais)가 데뷔, 탁월한 가창력과 연기력으로 

찬사를 받았다. 마그다(크리스틴 오폴레스), 루제로(주세페 필리아노티), 람발도(드웨인 크로포트)가 무대에 오른다.

여러모로 베르디의 '라 트라비아타'를 연상시키는 '라 론디네'는 아르데코와 아르누보 스타일의 무대 장치가 화려하다. 구스타프 클림트의

회화풍 벽화에 티파니 스테인글래스, 그리고 '위대한 개츠비' 스타일의 아르데코 패션도 볼 거리. 음악은 '나비부인'과 '투란도트'의 멜로디를 

연상시킬 정도로 '푸치니적'이다. 2막의 카페 장면은 '라보엠'의 무대를 떠올린다.

1월 26일 공연은 웹사이트(www.metopera.org)에서 라이브로 중계되며, 메트라디오로도 감상할 수 있다. 러닝타임 2시간24분.


Conductor: Ion Marin

Magda: Kristine Opolais

Lisette: Anna Christy

Ruggero: Giuseppe Filianoti

Prunier: Marius Brenciu

Rambaldo: Dwayne Croft


Production: Nicolas Joël 

Set Designer: Ezio Frigerio 

Costume Designer: Franca Squarciapino 

Lighting Designer: Duane Schuler

Act I 

Paris, the 1920s. The wealthy Rambaldo and his mistress, Magda, are entertaining theatrical and literary friends. Prunier, a poet and the lover of Magda’s maid, Lisette, declares that romantic love is back in fashion. No one except Magda takes him seriously. When Prunier sings a ballad he has written about a girl who rejects the love of a king, Magda sits at the piano and finishes the song, making up a second verse that tells how the girl falls in love with a student (“Chi il bel sogno di Doretta”). She thinks about her own flirtations and recalls an encounter with a young man at Bullier’s restaurant. Rambaldo says he knows what love means and gives Magda a pearl necklace, which she accepts without changing her opinion that love has nothing to do wealth. Prunier offers to read Magda’s palm and predicts that she will go south in pursuit of romance and happiness, just like “la rondine,” the swallow. Rambaldo introduces a visitor, Ruggero, the son of a childhood friend, who is new to Paris and wants to know where to spend the evening. They decide on Bullier’s, and Ruggero leaves to go there. Lisette, flirting with Prunier, tells him that it is her night off and the two follow Ruggero. As the guests depart, Magda decides to remain at home, then changes her mind. She dresses as a shop girl and leaves, confident that no one will recognize her, and ready for an adventure at the restaurant.

Photo: Ken Howard/Metropolitan Opera




Act II 

Bullier’s restaurant is alive with a crowd of artists, students, and young women. Ruggero sits alone at a table. When Magda enters, several young men approach her, but she says she already has a date and joins Ruggero. He doesn’t recognize her. She introduces herself as Paulette. When she teases him about his probable love affairs, he replies that should he ever love a woman, it would be forever. While they talk and dance, they both realize that they have fallen in love with each other. Prunier and Lisette arrive. She is startled by the sight of Magda, but Prunier, understanding the situation, convinces her that it is someone else with a chance resemblance. Suddenly Rambaldo appears, and Prunier asks Lisette to keep Ruggero out of sight. Rambaldo demands an explanation for her escapade from Magda. She replies that she has found true love and is going to leave him. Rambaldo bows ironically, expressing hope that she will not regret it. Ruggero returns and Magda leaves with him to start a new life.





Act III 

Magda and Ruggero have been living in a villa on the Riviera, but their money is running out. Ruggero says he has written to his mother for her consent to their marriage and paints an idyllic picture of his family’s home in the country. Madga is dismayed that her lover doesn’t know anything of her past. After he has left, Prunier and Lisette arrive, quarreling: he had tried to make her a singer but her debut was a disaster. Magda tells Lisette she would be glad to take her into service once more. Prunier, who can’t imagine Magda continuing her fantasy life, delivers a message from Rambaldo: he is ready to welcome her back on any terms. Prunier leaves as Ruggero returns with a letter from his mother, who is delighted that her son has found a good and virtuous bride. Heartbroken, Magda confesses that she can be his mistress but never his wife. He insists he loves her anyway, but she says she will not ruin his future. Leaving the devastated Ruggero behind, she turns away to go back to her old life.




 Photo: Ken Howard/Metropolitan Opera

*메트오페라도 할인되나요 기사 보기  

*메트오페라(2012-13) 무대 오르는 한인 4인방

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