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크리스마스 캐럴, 성가를 감상하는 연말 


PICT1999.jpg 세인트 패트릭성당

“기쁘다 구주 오셨네~~” “할렐루야~할렐루야~”

뉴욕의 유서 깊은 교회 곳곳에서 성탄절 콘서트가 열린다. 

고딕, 비잔틴, 로마네스크, 모던 등 건축 양식은 달라도 구세주를 찬양하는 음악은 하나. 오르간 연주와 합창단의  노래로 캐럴과 성가를 감상하는 것도 의미 깊을 것이다. 

헨델의 ‘메시아’ 바흐의 ‘오라토리오’ 모차르트의 ‘글로리아’ 그리고 메시앙 등의 거룩한 음악이 울려퍼진다. 

콘서트는 뉴욕타임스의 가이드를 참고했다.


12 18 ()


▶처치 오브 세인트 이그나티우스 로욜라(Church of St. Ignatius Loyola)=“A Child Is Born,” with Vaughan Williams’s Fantasia on “Greensleeves,” Victoria’s “O Magnum Mysterium” and John Rutter’s “What Sweeter Music”; excerpts from the Christmas portion of Handel’s “Messiah” and other works; with orchestra and soloists; K. Scott Warren, music director. At 7 p.m., 980 Park Ave.@84th St. 212-288-2520, stignatiusloyola.org, $50~$75


▶세인트 마이클 처치(St. Michael’s Church)=Britten’s “A Ceremony of Carols” and Respighi’s “Lauda per la Nativitá del Signore”; with woodwind and percussion ensemble, soloists and instrumentalists; John Cantrell, organist and music director. At 7:30 p.m., 225 West 99th St. 212-222-2700, saintmichaelschurch.org; $20, $15(학생/55세 이상)


12 19 ()


세인트 패트릭 성당(St. Patrick’s Cathedral)=“A City Singing at Christmas,” with traditional carols and works by Adam, Gruber, Morten Lauridsen, Handel, David Willcocks and Yon; Young People’s Chorus of New York City, directed by Francisco Núñez; St. Agnes Cathedral Choirs of the Diocese of Rockville Centre, directed by Michael Bower; New York Symphonic Brass; Jennifer Pascual, music director. At 7 p.m., Fifth Ave.@50th St.212-753-2261, saintpatrickscathedral.org; 무료. 보수공사로 자리 제한됨.


▶세인트 토마스 처치(St. Thomas Church)=Britten’s “A Ceremony of Carols” and John Rutter’s “Dancing Day”; Anna Reinersman, harpist. John Scott, director. At 5:30 p.m., Fifth Ave.@53rd St. 212-757-7013, saintthomaschurch.org; $40. 

12 20 ()


▶세인트 바트 처치(St. Bartholomew’s Church)=“Adoration of the Magi,” a program of spirituals, international carols and American holiday songs, inspired by a collection of church paintings by Ethel Parsons Paullin and her husband, Telford Paullin, performed by the baritone Jeff Morrissey. At 7:30 p.m., Park Ave.@51st St. 212-378-0248, stbarts.org; $25, $15(학생, 65세 이상)


12 21()

▶세인트 루크 인더 필드 처치(Church of St. Luke in the Fields)=“Singing Angels, Silver Bells,” seasonal music from the Middle Ages to the present, with works by Praetorius, Guerrero, Hassler and others; Western Wind. At 8 p.m., 487 Hudson St.@Grove St. West Village. 212-873-2848, westernwind.org; $25 to $100; $20(학생, 65세 이상)


▶세인트폴 더 아포슬 처치(Church of St. Paul the Apostle)=“Expectation,” a program of traditional and contemporary holiday music, including Biebl’s Ave Maria, Mozart’s “Ave Verum Corpus,” Sheena Phillips’s “O Come, O Come Emmanuel” and Sergey Khvoshchinsky’s “Bogoroditse Devo”; Schola Cantorum on Hudson; Deborah Simpkin King, artistic director. At 8:15 p.m., Columbus Ave.@60th St. scholaonhudson.org; $20(예매), $25(현장구매)


12 22 ()

코퍼스 크리스티 처치(Corpus Christi Church)=Gregorian chant, Missa XVII Adventus et Quadragesimae; Sanctus; Finck’s “Agnus Dei”; Schütz’s “Joseph, du Sohn David”; Sweelinck’s “Ecce Virgo Concipiet”; and organ works by Bach and Buxtehude; Louise Basbas, organist and music director. At 11:15 a.m., 529 West 121st St., Morningside Heights. 212-666-9350, corpus-christi-nyc.org. 

▶메트로폴리탄뮤지엄(Metropolitan Museum of Art)=David Lang’s “Little Match Girl Passion,” for which he received the 2008 Pulitzer Prize for music, based on the tale by Hans Christian Andersen, as well as Wolfgang Rihm’s “Astralis”; The Crossing, a chamber choir; Donald Nally, conductor. At 6 p.m., Sculpture Court, 212-570-3949, metmuseum.org/tickets; $60.



▶클로이스터(The Cloisters)=“Lionheart Laude: Joy and Mystery in Medieval Italy,” early music in praise of Jesus and the Virgin Mary, drawn from songbooks, including works composed by the early-16th-century monk Innocentius Dammonis. At 1 and 3 p.m., 99 Margaret Corbin Drive, Fort Tryon Park, Washington Heights. 212-650-2290, metmuseum.org; $45.


12 24 () 크리스마스 이브

▶올 솔 처치(All Souls Church)=Part III of Bach’s Christmas Oratorio; Vaughan Williams’s Fantasia on Christmas Carols; “Behold That Star,” arranged by Bruce Saylor, and other works; with soloists; Susan Jolles, harpist; Walter Klauss, conductor. At 8 and 11 p.m., 1157 Lexington Ave.@80th St. 212-535-5530, allsoulsnyc.org.



▶세인트존더 디바인 성당(Cathedral Church of St. John the Divine)=At 4 p.m.: New York premiere of Barber’s “Christmas Eve” (Op. 8); Handel’s “Rejoice Greatly” from “Messiah”; and motets by Warlock and Britten. At 10:30 p.m.: Buxtehude’s Cantata “Das Neugeborne Kindelein,” Palestrina’s Missa Brevis and motets of John Rutter and Bassi; with orchestra; Raymond Nagem, organist; Kent Tritle, music director. 1047 Amsterdam Ave.@112th St. Morningside Heights.212-316-7490, stjohndivine.org. 


▶처치 오브 디 아센션(Church of the Ascension)=Palestrina’s “Alma Redemptoris Mater”; Victoria’s “O Magnum Mysterium”; Bruckner’s Ave Maria; Vaughan Williams’s “On Christmas Night”; Gregorian chants and traditional carols; Dennis Keene, organist and choirmaster. At 10:30 p.m., Fifth Ave.@10th St., Greenwich Village. 212-254-8620, ascensionnyc.org.


▶처치 오브 헤븐리 레스트(Church of the Heavenly Rest)=Vivaldi’s “Gloria”; Handel’s “For Unto Us a Child Is Born” from “Messiah”; Saylor’s “My Holy Mountain”; with soloist; Steven Lawson, organist; Mollie Nichols, director. At 11 p.m., with traditional music at 10:30, Fifth Ave.@90th St. 212-289-3400, heavenlyrest.org.



▶처치 오브 트랜스피규레이션, 리틀 처치 어라운더 코너(Church of the Transfiguration (the Little Church Around the Corner, Episcopal)=Charpentier’s “Messe de Minuit Pour Noël,” Darke’s “In the Bleak Midwinter,” Cristobal Morales’s “O Magnum Mysterium,” selections from Handel’s “Messiah”; and carol arrangements by David Willcocks and John Rutter; New York Kammermusiker, a double-reed ensemble; Claudia Dumschat, organist and choirmaster; Ilonna Pederson, director. At 10 p.m., 1 East 29th St. 212-684-4174, littlechurch.org.


▶마블 칼리지에이트 처치(Marble Collegiate Church)= Pinkham’s “Gloria in Excelsis Deo”; Adam’s “O Holy Night”; Beck’s “Lullaby”; Vierne’s Finale from Symphony No. 1; Pott’s “Balulalow”; Kenneth Dake’s “The Birth of Light”; and works by Schein, Z. Randall Stroope and others; Chelsea Brass Ensemble; Sharon Moe, director; Camellia Johnson, soprano; Kenneth Dake, music director and organist. At 6:30 and 8:30 p.m. (with prelude music at 6:10 and 8:10), Fifth Ave.@29th St. 212-686-2770, marblechurch.org.



▶세인트 바트 처치(St. Bartholomew’s Church)=At 7 and 11 p.m.: Malcolm’s Mass at the Crèche, Rutter’s “I Saw Three Ships,” Bassano’s “Hodie Christus Natus Est” and Howells’s “Sing Lullaby”; with instrumentalists; Paolo Bordignon and William K. Trafka, organists; Mr. Trafka, music director. Park Ave.@51st St. 212-378-0222, stbarts.org.


▶세인트 제임스 처치(St. James’s Church)= At 4:30 p.m.: Rutter’s “Still, Still, Still”; Halley’s “Infinite Light”; Boles’s “Adam Lay Ybounden”; Wexford Carol, arranged by John Rutter; David Willcock’s “Birthday Carol”; and Handel’s “For Unto Us a Child Is Born” from “Messiah.” At 10:30 p.m.: “Silent Night,” arranged by Sargent; Parsons’s Ave Maria; Morten Lauridsen’s “O Magnum Mysterium”; Handel’s “For Unto Us a Child Is Born” from “Messiah”; and other works; Gretchen Pusch, flutist; Christopher Jennings, organist; Davis Wortman, conductor. 865 Madison Ave.@71st St. 212-288-4100, stjames.org.


▶트리니티 처치(Trinity Church)=Malcolm’s Missa ad Praesepe; anthems by Howells, Darke and Britten and traditional hymns and carols; with Trinity Baroque Orchestra. At 9:15 p.m. Broadway@Wall St. 212-602-0800. 웹캐스트 trinitywallstreet.org.

12 25 () Christmas Day

▶빈센트 페러 처치(Church of St. Vincent Ferrer)=Darke’s Mass in F; John Rutter’s “Nativity Carol”; “Silent Night” and “Joy to the World,” arranged by Mark Bani; and other works by Goss, Woodward and Dell, and organ pieces by Bach; with soloists; Mark Bani, organist and director. 869 Lexington Ave.@66th St. 212-744-2080, Ext. 16, csvf.org.

000.jpg *공포의 무성영화 '팬텀 오브 오페라' 오르간 연주와 상영회@리버사이드교회

*재즈 피아니스트 데이브 브루벡 추모 올스타 콘서트@세인트존더디바인 성당
