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Sonny Rollins, The Great Jazz Legend

Happy 90th Birthday, The Jazz Legend Sonny!




from 2012 Detroit Jazz Festival & 2008 Newport Jazz Festival 


Photo: Sukie Park/NYCultureBeat



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September 7, 2020



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*Sonny Rollins Detroit Jazz Festival YouTube 



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@2012 Detroit Jazz Festival




*Sonny Rollins Tennessee Waltz



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*Sonny Rollins, St. Thomas YouTube


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*Live in Tokyo in 1997, playing "Falling in Love With Love"


*Live in Munich in 1992, playing "Where or When"


*Live in Prague in 1982, playing "Smoke Gets In Your Eyes"


*Live in Montreal in 1982, playing calypso "Don't Stop the Carnival"


*Live in 1973, playing calypso "St. Thomas"


*Sonny Rollins, saxophone solo on the Rolling Stones "Waiting on a Friend" 1981




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@2008 Newport Jazz Festival



Sonny, The Living Legend 


얼마 전 뉴욕의 권위있는 잡지 '뉴요커'에서 한 칼럼이 뜨거운 도마에 올랐습니다.
저도 페이스북에 오른 "Sonny on His Voice'라는 제목만 보고 전설적인 재즈 색소폰주자 소니 롤린스께서 "재즈를 싫어한다, 난 내 인생을 허비했다"면서 재즈를 경박하고, 유머없고, 음악성 없다고 말한 것인 줄 알고 놀랐습니다. 그런데, 알고보니 그 칼럼은 그의 이름을 빌려 거짓 인용한 유머 페이지의  '풍자'였다고 합니다. 
JULY 31, 2014
Sonny Rollins: In His Own Words
"Jazz might be the stupidest thing anyone ever came up with. The band starts a song, but then everything falls apart and the musicians just play whatever they want for as long they can stand it. People take turns noodling around, and once they run out of ideas and have to stop, the audience claps. I’m getting angry just thinking about it....
I released fifty-odd albums, wrote hundreds of songs, and played on God knows how many session dates. Some of my recordings are in the Library of Congress. That’s idiotic. They ought to burn that building to the ground. I hate music. I wasted my life."  http://www.newyorker.com/humor/daily-shouts/sonny-rollins-words
하지만, 잡지의 조그만 칼럼은 소셜네트워크를 타고 '재즈, 소니 자신의 목소리'로 잘라 일파만파 퍼져나갔습니다. 그걸 풍자였다고 트위트하면 끝나는, 무서운 세상입니다.

Dear Readers: The @sonnyrollins "interview" was satire published on our humor blog. Our apologies to anyone who thought it was real.

83세의 전설적인 재즈 뮤지션은 마침내 19일 인터뷰에서 "이로 인해 상처받았다"고 했으며, "재즈를 죽이지 말라. 재즈는 자유이며, 영혼은 죽지 않는다"고 강변하시더군요. 그의 색소폰은 특별합니다.
2008 뉴포트와 2012 디트로이트 재즈 페스티벌에서 그의 연주를 보았는데요. 뉴포트에선 요트가 둥둥 떠있는 곳에서양을 보시면서 "너무 아름다워서 어찌할 줄 모르겠다"고 탄성을 지르셨습니다. 디트로이트에서는 더욱 연로하셔서 머리는 강아지 비숑 프리제같고, 꼬부랑 할아버지처럼 허리를 굽히셨는데, 색소폰 연주만은 일급이었지요.
The Fake and the Truth about Sonny & Jazz
Sonny Rollins recently was at the center of a firestorm when the New Yorker magazine circulated a fake article titled:  "Sonny Rollins:  In His Own Words," which included false quotes from Sonny.  The article was not in the print edition of the New Yorker, but was sent through various social media (including Twitter) and appeared on the New Yorker on-line website.  At first, the New Yorker did not make clear that the article "Sonny Rollins:  In His Own Words," did not contain any of Sonny's words.  
The article falsely attributes to Sonny quotes that "jazz is the stupidest thing anyone ever came up with," that "I hate music," that he's wasted his life, and that he wished he had never become a musician.  Many New Yorker readers reacted strongly and criticized the magazine and the author of this piece (who used a fake name).  The New Yorker later added a clarification that the article was a work of "satire" and made clear that none of it were in fact Sonny's words.
The article confused people reading it, who thought Sonny had become disillusioned with jazz music. Sonny Rollins said in a live webcast that he was deeply hurt by the article and by having a magazine of the stature of the New Yorker publish an "interview" that attributed these statements to him.  It is easy to see why:  The fake interview has Sonny saying that the music that he has devoted his life to is "stupid" and not worth listening to.   
It is clear that Sonny cares very deeply and seriously about jazz music and its history, and has great respect for the other jazz musicians he has played with (legends like Miles Davis, Max Roach, Clifford Brown, Charlie Parker and Ornette Coleman, as well as young jazz artists like Roy Hargrove).  
Sonny's music is captured on great recordings dating back to 1950 (his most recent album, a collection of live performances titled "Road Shows: Volume 3", was just released in July 2014).  He plays with a beautiful tone and great imagination, and with obvious love for jazz and for all music.  
by BicBanana/NYCultureBeat

*블루스의 전설 B.B. 킹 로다운 블루스 페스티벌 콘서트 

*디트로이트 재즈 페스티벌 2012

*2013 뉴포트 재즈 페스티벌 리포트

*재즈 뮤지션 그레이스 켈리(정혜영)를 아시나요?
*데이브 브루벡 추모 콘서트 
