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강익중/詩 아닌 詩
2019.07.28 00:15

(427) 강익중: 영어로 쓴 시

조회 수 677 댓글 0

詩 아닌 詩 <23> 영어로 쓴 시 

Mountain, 3 x3 in, 2019.jpg Ik-Joong Kang


It makes me happy 

Just to take a look at it

Just to think about it

Just to enter into it

Just to come out of it

Just to climb up

Just to climb down

When winds blow

When it rains or snows

When flowers bloom

When flowers fade away

I just like the mountain

246.jpg Ik-Joong Kang


After mounting my thought

I take a walk along the road

Blowing breeze

Falling sunshine

Surrounding sceneries

Children’s laughter

All fade away behind me

Then after putting down the mind

I take a walk along the road

nyculturebeat-399.jpg Ik-Joong Kang

Fish in a Stream

We can see the fish when the stream is clean

We can see it when it is quiet

We can see it when we are mindless

We can see it when we are earnest

We can see it when we ourselves disappear

We can see it when we ourselves exist

We can see it when we listen carefully

Fish on our mind

*강익중 인터뷰: 세계로, 미래로 뛴다 

*강익중씨 런던 템즈강에 '꿈의 섬(Floating Dreams)' 설치

*An Interview with Ik-Joong Kang, Inside Korea(The New York Times) 

*강익중 순천국제정원박람회 설치작 '꿈의 다리' 

*NYCB 갤러리(17): 강익중 신작@스튜디오 

*화가 강익중의 차이나타운 맛집
