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Renaissance and Baroque Bronzes

from  Janine and J. Tomilson Hill Collection

January 28-June 15, 2014

The Frick Collection

                                                                                                                                     Curator: Denis Allen


Probably commissioned by François Girardon (Troyes, France 1628–1715 Paris), Sleeping Hermaphrodite 1699–1709(Left)/

Probably commissioned by François Girardon (Troyes 1628–1715 Paris), Reclining Venus, 1699–1709


Antonio Susini (Florence 1558–1624 Florence), Rape of a Sabine, After Giambologna’s marble group of 1583, cast ca. 1585


Giuseppe Piamontini (Florence 1664–1742 Florence), Hercules and Iolaus Slaying the Hydra(Left)/
Giuseppe Piamontini (Florence 1664–1742 Florence), Milo of Croton


Attributed to Maso Finiguerra (Florence 1426–1464 Florence), Hercules and Antaeus, Cast ca. 1460


Antonio Susini (Florence 1558–1624 Florence), Sleeping Venus, After a model by Giambologna of ca. 1584, cast ca. 1600–1615


Giuseppe Piamontini (Florence 1664–1742 Florence), Prince Ferdinando di Cosimo III on Horseback, Cast by 1717/

Edward Ruscha (Omaha, Nebraska b. 1937), Seventeenth Century, 1988, Acrylic on canvas(Back)


Adriaen de Vries (The Hague ca. 1545–1626 Prague), Bacchic Man Wearing a Grotesque Mask, Cast ca. 1578–80,

probably by Giovanni Andrea Pellizzone (Milan ca. 1538–after 1610 Milan)/ Cy Twombly (Lexington, Virginia 1928–2011 Rome)
Untitled, 1959(Back)

*뉴욕타임스 리뷰: The Mystic and Heroic, Just Inches Tall

*뉴욕 미술관의 베르미르를 찾아서

Renaissance and Baroque Bronzes from the Hill Collection

January 28, 2014 to June 15, 2014
- See more at: http://www.frick.org/exhibitions/hill#sthash.CwzmC2Ar.dpuf

Renaissance and Baroque Bronzes from the Hill Collection

January 28, 2014 to June 15, 2014
- See more at: http://www.frick.org/exhibitions/hill#sthash.CwzmC2Ar.dpuf