Poetry Window
2015.05.31 23:03
김경년, 파라독스/Kyung-Nyun Kim Richards, Paradox
조회 수 2595 댓글 0
Brooklyn Heights
Kyung-Nyun Kim Richards
you have to love
to be able to receive love
you have to get rid of your self
to find your true self
you have to get old
to see the beauty of youth
you have to get sick
to know how good it is to be healthy
you have to die
to be born again
a grain of wheat has to die
for a new sprout to come up
a simple enough truth
once you’ve got it
but not easy to learn
for it cannot be taught
but only learned
through living life.
© Kyung-Nyun Kim Richards 1993
김경년 Kyung-Nyun Kim Richards 시인/번역가
이화여대와 동대학원 불문과 졸업. U.C. 버클리 언어학 석사, 박사과정 수료. U.C. 버클리 한국어과 교수(1980-2008).
윤동주 시선집 'Sky, Wind, and Stars (하늘과 바람과 별과 시)' 공역(2003), 차학경 원저 '딕테(Dictée)' 번역(1997), 김승희 시선집 'I Want to Hyjack an Airplane' 공역(2004), 윤후명 원저 'The Love of Dunhuang (둔황의 사랑)' 공역(2005), 시집 '달팽이가 그어 놓은 작은 점선' 출간(2010). 국제펜 39회 번역문학상 소설부문상(2006), 대한민국 국민훈장 동백장 수훈(2008), Translation Award, The First International Poetry Festival, Swansea, Wales(2011).