플로린 스테타이머(화가), Then Back to New York...
Florine Stettheimer, Family Portrait II, 1933, MoMA Collection
Then Back to New York
Florine Stettheimer
Then Back to New York
And sky towers had begun to grow
And front stoop houses started to go
And life became quite different
And it was as tho' someone had planted seeds
And people sprouted like common weeds
And seemed unaware of accepted things
And did all sorts of unheard things
And out of it grew an amusing thing
Which I think is America having it's fling
And what I should like is to paint this thing.
Florine Stettheimer, New York/Liberty, 1918-1919, Private Collection
New York
Florine Stettheimer
At last grown young
With noise
And color
And light
And jazz
Dance marathons and poultry shows
Soul-saving and rodeos
Gabfest and beauty contests
Sky towers and bridal showers
Speak-easy bars and motor cars
Columnists and movie stars.
Florine Stettheimer, Self-Portrait with Palette(Painter and Faun), undated, Columbia University Collection
The unloved painting:
Florine Stettheimer
The unloved painting:
I was pure white
You made a painted show-thing of me
You called me the real-thing
Your creation
No setting was too good for me
Silver-even gold
I needed gorgeous surroundings
You then sold me to another man.
Florine Stettheimer (1871-1944)
화가, 디자이너이자 시인. 뉴욕주 로체스터의 부유한 독일계 유대인 가정에서 1남 4녀 중 네째딸로 태어났다. 아버지가 가정을 버린 후 엄마는 자식들과 뉴욕으로 이주했다. 플로린 스테타이머는 언니 캐리, 동생 에티와 맨해튼에 살롱을 운영하면서 'Stetties'라는 별명으로 불리우며 문화생활을 즐겼다. 에밀리 디킨슨처럼 지인에게 시를 써보내다가 사후 동생 에티 스테타이머가 1949년 시집 '크리스탈꽃(Crystal Flowers)'을 출간했다. 1946년 MoMA에서, 1995년 휘트니뮤지엄에서 회고전이 열렸다. 쥬이시뮤지엄은 2017년 5월 5일부터 9월 24일까지 회고전 'Florine Stetteimer: Painting Poerty'를 연다.