NYCB Gallery
2017.06.26 20:03
(229) 매그넘 선언 Magnum Manifesto@국제사진센터(ICP, 5/26-9/3)
조회 수 1521 댓글 0
Magnum Manifesto
백문이 불여일견(百聞而不如一見)
May 26–September 3, 2017
ICP Museum 250 Bowery
전쟁, 이민, 소수계, 실업, 연장자, 비만, 타자들,
빈부, 죄수, 매춘, 피난민, 혁명, 여행자, 쌍둥이,
희생자, 환자, 정신질환...
인간과 사회, 환경 문제를 보는 사진가들의 시선
Magnum Manifesto
Christopher Anderson, Jonas Bendiksen, Henri Cartier-Bresson, Cornell and Robert Capa, Chim (David Seymour), Raymond Depardon, Bieke Depoorter, Elliott Erwitt, Martine Franck, Leonard Freed, Paul Fusco, Cristina Garcia Rodero, Burt Glinn, Jim Goldberg, Joseph Koudelka, Sergio Larrain, Susan Meiselas, Wayne Miller, Martin Parr, Marc Riboud, Alessandra Sanguinetti, W. Eugene Smith, Alec Soth, Chris Steele-Perkins, Dennis Stock, Mikhael Subotzky, and Alex Webb
In 1947, four photographers, Robert Capa, Henri Cartier-Bresson, George Rodger, and David “Chim” Seymour, toasted the founding of what would become the world’s most influential artist collective over a celebratory magnum of champagne in the Museum of Modern Art, New York City. Over the past 70 years, 92 photographers have contributed to the story of Magnum, and today 49 photographer members continue to chronicle the world, interpreting its people, events, and issues through visual storytelling. Magnum Photos remains an artists’ cooperative of great diversity and distinction, owned by its photographer members, and it represents some of the world’s most renowned photographers, maintaining its founding ideals and idiosyncratic mix of journalist, artist, and storyteller
International Center of Photography(ICP Museum)
250 Bowery St.
Hours: 월요일 휴관. 화-수요일, 금-일요일 오전 10시-오후 6시. 목요일 오전 10시-오후 9시
Admission: 성인($14)/학생($12), 노인($19) 회원/어린이 무료.*맘대로 내세요(Pay what you wish, 목요일 오후 6시-9시)
Admission: 성인($14)/학생($12), 노인($19) 회원/어린이 무료.*맘대로 내세요(Pay what you wish, 목요일 오후 6시-9시)