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백남준, 채성필, 천광엽, 김일화, 황란, 이길래, 서영덕, 손봉채 작품 소개

M a d e i n A s i a
A C e l e b r a t i o n o f A s i a We e k N e w Yo r k
At Opera Gallery, NYC

14 to 27 March 2018
Opera Gallery New York

000-paik.jpg 백남준

“We want to see the newest things. That is because we want to see the future, even if only momentarily. It is the moment in which, even if we don't completely understand what we have glimpsed, we are nonetheless touched by it.

Carrying forward the mission to promote and advanceAsian art in New York City, Opera Gallery’s Made in
Asia exhibition will add to the important and exciting cross-cultural dialogue between East and West taking
place during Asia Week New York.

Made in Asia features many high-profile artists and works including exciting pieces by Japanese ‘pop’ artists
Takashi Murakami and Yoshitomo Nara alongside Chinese socio-political painters Yue Minjun, Wang Guangyi and
Zhang Xiao Gang, a ‘video robot’ sculpture by Korean Paik Nam June will rub shoulders with Andy Warhol’s
notorious Chairman ‘Mao’ and delicate, expressive works by Yan Pei Ming and Zhang Huan will contrast with the
heavy yet intricate sculptures of Seo Young-Deok. The exhibition will also showcase a number of sublime,
saturated, mixed media artworks by Zhuang Hong-Yi, his abstracted sculptural paintings, incorporating oriental rice
paper, offer visitors an immersive experience, a moment of transendental calm amongst the eclectic energy of this
powerful exhibition.

According to Gilles Dyan, Chairman of Opera Gallery, “Made in Asia is an exhibition that embodies the spirit of Opera
Gallery: the determination to bridge cultural and aesthetic gaps through accessibility and excellence for the benefit
of the new and established art collector. We are delighted to be able to bring these works together in celebration of
Asia Week New York.”

Founded by Gilles Dyan in 1994 and now internationally established with 12 galleries and locations worldwide,
Opera Gallery is one of the leading dealers in modern and contemporary European, American and Asian art, placing
works in major private collections as well as leading public institutions.
Opera Gallery has galleries in Paris, London, Geneva, Monaco, New York, Miami, Aspen, Singapore, Hong Kong,
Seoul, Beirut and Dubai.