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설치작가 이불(Lee Bul)씨의 런던 헤이워드갤러리 개인전 'Lee Bul: Crashing' 오프닝이 작품에 발생한 화재로 인해 연기됐다.
아트뉴스페이퍼와 아트넷에 따르면, 29일 언론 시사회는 열였지만 전시 작품인 'Majestic Splendor'에 불이 나서 이날 저녁 예정된 오프닝이 6월 1일로 조정됐다는 것.

1964년 경상북도 영주에서 태어나 홍익대 조소과를 졸업한 이불씨는 1997년 MoMA 전시 'Projects 57: Bul Lee'에서 생선이 부패하는 과정을 담은 설치작품으로 화제를 모았다. 1998년 구겐하임뮤지엄 휴고보스상 후보에 올랐으며, 1999년 베니스비엔날레 특별상을 수상했다. 

Lee Bul, Majestic Splendor, 2016, Fish, sequins, potassium permanganate, mylar bag, 202 2/5 × 129 1/10 in; 514 × 328 cm.  Photo: Sang-tae Kim

Lee Bul: Crashing

31 MAY 2018 - 19 AUG 2018
Hayward Gallery, London

Installation view of Lee Bul, Willing To Be Vulnerable (2015-2016) at Hayward Gallery, 2018. © Lee Bul 2018. Photo: Linda Nylind.

Lee Bul transforms Hayward Gallery into a spectacular dream-like landscape featuring monstrous bodies, futuristic cyborgs, glittering mirrored environments and an exquisitely surreal monumental foil Zeppelin.

Bringing together more than 100 works from the late 1980s to the present day, this exhibition explores the full range of Lee Bul’s pioneering and thought-provoking practice, from provocative early performances to recent large-scale installations that attempt to get our body and our brain ‘working at the same time, together’.

For the past three decades, Lee Bul has drawn on diverse sources that include science fiction, visionary architecture and personal experience, whilst making use of deliberately clashing materials that range from silk and mother of pearl to fibreglass and silicone. At the core of her most recent work is an investigation into landscape, which for the artist includes the intimate landscape of the body, ideal or fictional landscapes and the physical world that surrounds us.
This exhibition coincides with Hayward Gallery’s 50th Anniversary in July. In her ambitious site-specific installation Weep into stones (2017–18), Lee Bul responds to both the fabric of the Hayward and its radical design by draping the gallery in a shimmering curtain of fine steel wire, crystal and glass.

The Lee Bul exhibition is generously supported by The Korea Foundation, Swarovski and The Henry Moore Foundation.