CulBeat Express
2018.08.01 15:06
2018 설원재단 섬머 프로그램(8/21-25)
조회 수 1435 댓글 0
설원재단(이사장 정영양 박사)이 8월 21일부터 25일까지 뉴욕과 뉴저지에서 한미 섬유작가들을 초대해 섬머 프로그램을 연다. 프로그램은 특강, 토론회, 워크숍, 뮤지엄(메트로폴리탄뮤지엄, 뉴왁뮤지엄) 투어와 한국전통차 다례식 등으로 진행된다.
Seol Won Foundation Summer Program 2018
Invited textile artist from Korea and America: Lectures, Workshop & Museum Tour
Founded in 1968, Seol Won Foundation will conduct the textile summer program to celebrate their 50th anniversary this year, Korea Cultural Center in New York, sponsored together with experts Broaden the horizons for professionals in the field, including activities in Korea, traditional cloth, hanbok, embroidery be given the opportunity to see a similar cul-ture of the world this summer program is a workshop that textile experts in the United States participate in, and proceed to the exhibition and workshops, etc. Met-ropolitan Museum and the Newark Museum.
I hope you have a chance embroidery has a reputation as a writer not only in features that will include this summer the museum tour can be for the purpose to know the flow of the world's work program with the FIT Professor invited to the workshop this program and plan to promote long- term development of cultural exchanges with South Korea textile artists in the field of the world stage that can not be experienced in Korea will gain a deeper artistic inspiration and pride further their work can be introduced to the people of the world.
The Seol Won Foundation to start the embroidery training program this summer to the current cultural education-for non-profit organization that operates worldwide to start To educate the culture of Korea Textile targets around the world have stated that the various projects and initiatives to increase the capacity of South Korea tex-tile artists.
Young Yang Chung, PhD
Founder Seol Won Foundation
Summer program schedule
8/21/2018 Orientation & Exhibition opening reception _5:00-8:00pm
@ Seol Won Foundation NYC
8/22/2018 Field trip Newark Museum and Hands on Class
10:00 - 11:30am Guided Tour “DRAMATIC THREADS”
Embroidery Exhibition led by Dr. Katherine Paul
12pm Lunch
1:30 - 4:00pm Workshop
8/23/2018 Master workshop: Korean/American;
@ Seol Won Foundation NYC
10:00am Brief history of Embroidery
10:30am Workshop, Wonkwang Digital Uni. EGA US Member_
1:00 - 1:30pm Lunch
1:30 - 3:00pm Hands on class _ Thimble making - GolMu
8/24/2018 Field trip “Heavenly Bodies: Fashion and the Catholic Imagination”
@ Metropolitan Museum
10:00 -12:00pm Guided tour
1:00 - 3:00pm Walking tour Madison Avenue fashion street
8/25/2018 Lecture & Round Table Discussion
@ Seol Won Foundation NYC
1:30 - 2:00pm Round table discussion on Summer program
WonKwang Digital Uni. and EGA member
2:00 - 3:00pm Lecture : Marketable Potential of Hanbok :
Textile Art in the Age of Digital reproduction.
Lecture by Dr. Pyun, Kyunghee / FIT.
3:30- 4:30 pm Farewell greetings Korean American textile artists
5:00 - 7:00pm Dinner at Frenchia hosted by Terry Choi
7:30 - 10:00pm Traditional Korean Tea Ceremony @ Private Park Avenue home
host by TEA master Yoon Suk Choi