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Memories Revisited

플로렌스 피노+박혜원 사진전

September 10th - 27th, 2018

Opening Reception : Sept. 12, 2018  4-6PM

University College Art Gallery, Fairleigh Dickinson University, Teaneck, NJ


한인 사진 작가 박혜원씨와 프랑스 출신 도예가/사진작가 플로렌스 뻬노 (Florence Penault)의 2인전 'Memories Revisited'이 오는 9월 10일부터 27일까지 뉴저지 티넥에 위치한 페어레이 디킨슨 대학 (Fairleigh Dickinson University) 내 유니버시티칼리지 아트갤러리(UCGA, University College Art Gallery at University Hall, Room 11, 1000 River Road, Teaneck, NJ 07666)에서 열린다.

한인 큐레이터 마가렛 태씨가 기획한 이번 전시에서는 미국에서 생활을 하는 두 여성작가의 섬세한 노스탤지아 감성이 돋보이는 흑백사진과 컬러사진 총 46점을 선보인다.

프랑스 출신 작가 플로렌스 뻬노는 1980년대 부터 프랑스와 미국을 오가며 촬영한 흑백 필름들을 1890년대 유행하던 코닥의 원형 사진으로 인화한 젤라틴 실버 프린트 24점을 소개한다. 

동심으로 돌아가고픈 내면의 갈망을 표현한 박혜원 작가의 셀프포트레이트 사진 22점은 디지털 잉크젯 프린트 사진에 커피나 차로 염색한 실험적 기법으로 제작된 흑백사진들과 19세기 사진인화 기법인 캘리타입 (Kallitupe) 프린트, 그리고 12점의 컬러사진들을 포함한다.

오프닝 리셉션은 12일 오후 4시 부터 6시까지 열리며 전시 관람시간은 월요일 부터 금요일 오전 9:30 부터 오후 4:30 까지다. 전시에 관한 자세한 문의는 201-692-2801

Memories Revisited

Florence Penault and Hyewon Park

September 10th - 27th, 2018

Opening Reception : Sept. 12, 2018  4-6PM

University College Art Gallery, Fairleigh Dickinson University, Teaneck, NJ

* FDU North Parking Lot is available for visitor's parking 


University College Art Gallery is pleased to announce the group exhibition of contemporary photography “Memories Revisited” curated by Margaret Tae. In this exhibition, forty-six black and white and color photography works of two female photographers, Florence Penault and Hyewon Park, will be presented from September 10th through September 27th, 2018.

The featuring photographs are nostalgic reflections of the two photographers who have left their home countries, France and South Korea, long time ago and are currently living in the US.  The artists have selected and reproduced the images that were taken from the old days or recreated the scenes of the past memories with imagination, using different photographic process like gelatin silver prints, kallitype, and digital inkjet prints.

Florence Penault, born in France, is presenting twenty-four black and white circular photographs selected from her long time project “A French Garden” series. All images of this series were photographed in France since 1980’s with black and white films and printed in her own darkroom in Connecticut, US. Inspired by French writer Colette’s description about nature and her mother in her garden, Penault had begun reprinting her past memories from her old negatives and the images of black and white silver prints are intimately linked to her French life. Adopting the end of the 19th century style of Kodak’s round snapshot, she has added a zest of nostalgia to her images. Penault is also a ceramist. http://www.florencepenault.com

Hyewon Park, born in South Korea, is presenting twenty-two photographs including twelve color images and ten black and white photographs that were selected from her “Self-portrait” series. Park’s self-portrait photographs reflect her inner most desires of returning to the innocence of childhood and searching for a space in nature which allows her to play like a child without any interruption. Since 2008, Park has constantly created self-portrait photographs experimenting with different photographic process. In this exhibition, five black and white photographs that she had printed in Kallitype, a 19th century process, and five inkjet prints dyed with coffee and tea will be featured along with twelve color photographs. http://portfolios.sva.edu/hyewon_park


The opening reception of “Memories Revisited” will be held on Wednesday, September 12th, 2018 from 4pm ? 6pm. Gallery hour is Monday through Friday from 9:30 am to 4:30 pm or by appointments.