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8일 US 오픈 결승전에서 난동을 피운 US 오픈 6관왕 세레나 윌리엄스가 USTA(미테니스협회)로부터 1만7천달러의 벌금을 받았다. 준우승을 받은 상금은 190만 달러. 우승한 나오미 오사카는 380만 달러 상금을 거머쥐었다. 
세레나 윌리엄스는 코치의 불법 코칭, 라켓 남용, 심판에 대한 욕설(thief) 항의의 세가지 항목 위반으로 게임 페널티를 받았다. 이에 대해 빌리 진 킹은 남자 선수의 행동에서는 벌어지지 않는 심판의 '이중 잣대'라고, 앤디 로딕도 '최악의 심판'이라고 트윗을 날렸다. 하지만, 많은 테니스 팬들은 경기에서 앞선 나오미 오사카의 우승을 짓밟은 윌리엄스의 태도와 거짓말에 비판했다.
팬들은 좋은 경기를 보고 싶어 한다. 


다음은 US 오픈의 공식 입장문.

US Open official statement on women's final between Williams and Osaka
US Open statement on women's final:

On the fifth point in the second game of the second set between Naomi Osaka and Serena Williams, the chair umpire witnessed coaching taking place from Williams' coach. Even though her coach has admitted to coaching, Williams has made it clear that she did not receive any coaching. Nevertheless, in accordance with the rules, Williams was assessed a Code Violation, resulting in a warning.

At the completion of the fifth game of the second set, Williams was assessed a second code violation for racquet abuse, which required a point penalty.

At the changeover, at 4-3, Williams was assessed a third code violation for verbal abuse in the judgment of the umpire, which then required a game penalty.

The chair umpire's decision was final and not reviewable by the Tournament Referee or the Grand Slam Supervisor, who were called to the court at that time.
