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퍼블릭시어터 정한솔 작 'WILD GOOSE DREAMS' 뉴욕 초연

Lulu Fall and Michelle Krusiec in rehearsal for Wild Goose Dreams, by Hansol Jung and directed by Leigh Silverman, beginning performances at The Public Theater October 30. Photo credit: Joan Marcus

극본: 정한솔 Hansol Jung, 연출: 리 실버만 Leigh Silverman, 의상: 린다 조 Linda Cho
공연 시작: 10월 30일

2018년 10월 18일- 퍼블릭 극장은 (미술 감독, Oskar Eustis; 기획 감독, Patrick Willingham) 정한솔 극본, 토니상 후보 Leigh Silverman 연출 작품인 '기러기는 꿈꾸다'의 뉴욕 초연의 배역을 오늘 발표했습니다. La Jolla Playhouse와의 공동 제작으로 퍼블릭 스튜디오에서의 첫 공연 후, 이 흥미진진하고 잊지 못할, 음악이 곁들여진 새 연극이 10월 30일 화요일에 퍼블릭 극장의 Martinson Hall에서 첫 무료 시사회로 시사회가 시작됩니다.  기러기는 꿈꾸다 는 11월 14일 수요일, 공식적인 기자 시사회(press opening)와 함께 12월 9일 일요일까지 공연될 것입니다.

'기러기는 꿈꾸다'의 전체 배역은 Dan Domingues (코러스), Lulu Fall (디지털 난희/ 코러스), Kendyl Ito (희진/ 코러스), Francis Jue (아버지), Peter Kim (국민성), Michelle Krusiec (유난희), Jaygee Macapugay (아내, 코러스), Joel Perez (디지털 민성/ 코러스), Jamar Williams (코러스), 그리고 Katrina Yaukey (코러스)입니다.

'기러기는 꿈꾸다'는 지난 시즌에 호평을 받은 La Jolla Playhouse와의 공동제작으로 퍼블릭 스튜디오에서의 첫 공연후 퍼블릭 극장으로 돌아옵니다.  민성은 더 좋은 삶을 위하여 아내와 딸이 미국으로 가고 혼자 남은 ‘기러기 아빠’입니다.  깊은 외로움에 민성은 인터넷에 빠져들어 북한에 식구들을 남겨두고 탈북한 젊은 난희를 만나게 됩니다. 현대 사회의 끝없는 소음안에서, 사랑과 접촉을 호감과 나눔으로 대체한 민성과 난희는 서로에게 진실되려고 노력합니다.  그러나 일생동안 분단과 분리된 삶을 살았던 그들이 연결될 수가 있을까요?  토니상 후보인 Leigh Silverman은 가족과 자유 사이에서 선택을 해야하는 다른 문화의 배경에서 온 두 사람에 대한, 음악을 겸비한 놀랍도록 독창적인 연극을 연출합니다.

'기러기는 꿈꾸다'는 Clint Ramos의 무대 장치 디자인, Linda Cho의 의상 디자인, Keith Parham의 조명 디자인, Palmer Hefferan의 음향 디자인, Paul Castles의 작곡, Jongbin Jung의 한국 음악 작곡, 동작 감독Yasmine Lee, 그리고 음악감독 Charity Wicks에 의해 이루어졌습니다..

Director Leigh Silverman and playwright Hansol Jung, with creative team members, in rehearsal for Wild Goose Dreams, by Hansol Jung and directed by Leigh Silverman, beginning performances at The Public Theater October 30. Photo credit: Joan Marcus

정한솔 HANSOL JUNG (극작가)
Cardboard Piano, Among the Dead (Ma-Yi Theater), 그리고 No More Sad Things등의 프로덕션의 경력과, National Theatre (UK); La Jolla Playhouse; Playwrights Horizons; Seattle Repertory; Ma-Yi Theater Company; Artists Repertory; 그리고 Oregon Shakespeare Festival의Play On! 등의 커미션 경력, Royal Court, New York Theatre Workshop, Berkeley Repertory, MacDowell Colony, Hedgebrook, Sundance Theatre Lab, O’Neill Theater Center, Victory Gardens, 그리고 Page 73 Productions등의 펠로우십과 레지던트 경력이 있습니다.  정한솔 극작가는Whiting Award 과 Helen Merrill Award를 수상하고, Yale School of Drama에서 석사 학위를(MFA)을 받았으며, Ma-Yi Writers Lab 과 Usual Suspects at NYTW의 회원입니다.

퍼블릭 극장 연출 크레딧:The Outer Space, No Place to Go, In the Wake (Obie Award 수상), Yellow Face, 그리고 Well. 브로드웨이 연출 크레딧: Lifespan of a Fact (Studio 54), Violet (Tony상 후보), Chinglish, 그리고 Well. 그외 크레딧: Soft Power by Jeanine Tesori/ David Henry Hwang; Harry Clarke; Sweet Charity; On the Exhale; All The Ways to Say I Love You; The Way We Get By; Tumacho; American Hero; Kung Fu; Golden Child; The (curious case of the) Watson Intelligence; The Call; Go Back to Where You Are (Obie Award 수상); 그리고 The Madrid.

Public Theater Partner, Public Supporter, and Member 티켓들을 지금 구입하실수 있습니다. 티켓은 $55에서 시작하며, (212) 967-7555로 전화하시거나, www.publictheater.org로 들어가셔서 구입하시거나, 425 Lafayette Street에 위치한 퍼블릭 극장 박스 오피스에서 직접 구입하실수 있습니다.

퍼블릭 극장은 모두에게 쉽게 접근할 수 있는 극장을 만드는 사명을 계속해 나가기 위하여 이번 가을에도 첫 무료 시사회 프로그램을 계속할 것입니다; 10월 30일, 화요일에 있는 첫 시사회의 무료 티켓은TodayTix mobile lottery를 통해서 10월 24일부터 구입하실 수 있으며 10월 30일, 당일에는Astor Place에 있는 퍼블릭 극장 로비에서 오전11시에 신청을 시작하여 정오12시에 추첨을 하는 로터리를 통해 얻으실 수 있습니다.

자막이 있는 공연은 12월 1일 토요일, 오후 1시 30분, 공연을 설명하는 오디오는 12월 8일 토요일, 오후 1시 30분에 열립니다.

11월 13일 화요일에는 저녁 7시 30분 기러기는 꿈꾸다 공연 후 ‘연결’이라는 제목으로 인터넷 선상이나 오프라인에서 이루어지는 우리의 장비 기기들과 연결, 또 우리 서로간의 연결에 대하여 강연 시리즈 대화를 주최합니다  이 강연 시리즈 대화 오디오는 행사 일주일 후에  Public Forum 웹사이트에서 들으실 수 있습니다.  공연 이후에도, 이어져가는 퍼블릭 극장의 프로그램 일환으로Artist Talkbacks, Audience Conversations 등의 행사와, 온라인(online)  자료Digiturgy 등의 추가의 Public Forum 프로그램이 포함되어 있습니다.

퍼블릭 극장은 모든 사람의, 모든 사람들에 의한, 모든 사람들을 위한 극장입니다.  예술적인 열정을 가진, 이례적으로 포괄적인, 근본적으로 민주적인 퍼블릭 극장은 현대 사회의 가장 중요한 견해들과 사회 문제들을 다루는 시민의 기관으로서 창시자 Joe Papp의 업적을 계속 이어가고 있습니다.  미술감독 Oskar Eustis와 기획감독 Patrick Willingham의 지도력 아래에서 퍼블릭극장은Astor Place home, Free Shakespeare in the Park, The Mobile Unit, Public Forum, Under the Radar, Public Studio, Public Works, Public Shakespeare Initiative, and Joe’s Pub 등에서 새 작품들을 기획하며 현재 뉴욕 Broadway와 런던 West End에서 찬사를 받고있는 Lin-Manuel Miranda의 뮤지컬 해밀턴(Hamilton)을 공연했습니다. 토니상 59개, 오비상 170개, 드라마데스크상 53개와 퓰리처상 6개를 수상하였습니다. https://www.publictheater.org


Written by Hansol Jung, Directed by Leigh Silverman
Performances begin October 30

September 18, 2018 – The Public Theater (Artistic Director, Oskar Eustis; Executive Director, Patrick
Willingham) announced complete casting today for the New York premiere of WILD GOOSE DREAMS,
written by Hansol Jung and directed by Tony Award nominee Leigh Silverman. After its initial run in
Public Studio, and in a co-production with La Jolla Playhouse, this fascinating and unforgettable new play
with music, will begin previews with a Free First Preview in The Public’s Martinson Hall on Tuesday,
October 30. WILD GOOSE DREAMS runs through Sunday, December 9, with an official press opening
on Wednesday, November 14.

The complete cast of WILD GOOSE DREAMS features Dan Domingues (Chorus), Lulu Fall (Digital
Nanhee/Chorus), Kendyl Ito (Heejin/Chorus), Francis Jue (Father), Peter Kim (Guk Minsung), Michelle
Krusiec (Yoo Nanhee), Jaygee Macapugay (Wife/C
a Whiting Award and Helen Merrill Award. Jung received her MFA from Yale School of Drama, and is a
member of the Ma-Yi Writers Lab and Usual Suspects at NYTW.

LEIGH SILVERMAN (Director). Public Theater credits include The Outer Space, No Place to Go, In the
Wake (also CTG/Berkeley, Obie Award, Lortel nomination), Yellow Face, and Well. Silverman’s Broadway
credits include Lifespan of a Fact (Studio 54), Violet (Roundabout, Tony nomination), Chinglish, and Well.
Recent credits include Soft Power by Jeanine Tesori/David Henry Hwang (Ahmanson Theater/Curran
Theater) and Harry Clarke (Vineyard Theatre/Minetta Lane, Lortel nomination). Other credits include Sweet
Charity (New Group); On the Exhale (Roundabout); All The Ways to Say I Love You (MCC); The Way We
Get By (Second Stage); Tumacho (Clubbed Thumb); American Hero (Williamstown Theater
Festival/Second Stage); Kung Fu and Golden Child (Signature Theatre); The (curious case of the) Watson
Intelligence, The Call, and Go Back to Where You Are (Obie Award, Playwrights Horizons); and The Madrid
(MTC). Encores credits include Really Rosie, The Wild Party, and Violet.

DAN DOMINGUES (Chorus) has performed at The Public in Fidelis, The Great Immensity, and Let Me
Ascertain You (Joe's Pub). Off-Broadway credits include Rattlestick, Abingdon, BAM, 59E59, INTAR,
Atlantic, and Cherry Lane. Select regional credits include Alley Theatre, Arena Stage, Guthrie, Goodman,
NY Stage & Film, Hangar Theatre, Studio Theatre, Cape Playhouse, Kansas City Rep, Long Wharf, Florida
Stage, Portland Stage, and George Street. His film credits include Run All Night, Future '38, and In Stereo,
and television credits include “West40s,” “Blacklist,” “Royal Pains,” and “Law & Order.” He received his
MFA from A.R.T. and is an Associate Artist with The Civilians.

LULU FALL (Digital Nanhee/Chorus). Broadway credits include Natasha, Pierre & the Great Comet of
1812 and Hair. Off-Broadway credits include Natasha, Pierre & the Great Comet of 1812; Pretty Filthy;
Hadestown; and This Ain’t No Disco. She appeared in the national tour of Hair. Regional credits include
The Who’s Tommy, Acid Queen (Denver Center); Smokey Joe’s Cafe (Capital Repertory Theatre); and
Passing Strange (Studio Theatre). Select workshops include August Rush, 15 Minutes, and Annie Golden
Bounty Hunter. Television credits include “Random Acts of Flyness” (HBO). Her featured music
performances include Jazz Re:freshed (London) and American Songbook Program.

KENDYL ITO (Heejin/Chorus) performed in the national tour of Matilda. Regional credits include Soft
Power (world premiere), A Chorus Line, Grease, Rent, Seussical, American Idiot, and Oliver. His concerts
include 54 Sings Little Women, Music and Laughter, Samantha Spade, and Hatched.
FRANCIS JUE (Father) has performed at The Public in Yellow Face, Love’s Labour’s Lost, Hamlet, Timon
of Athens, Pericles, King Lear, A Winter’s Tale, A Language of Their Own, and Richard II. Broadway credits
include Pacific Overtures, Thoroughly Modern Millie, and M. Butterfly. Off-Broadway credits include Kung
Fu, Coraline, and Falsettoland. Regional credits include Soft Power; In the Next Room (or the vibrator
play); Cabaret; King of the Yees; Tiger Style!; Miss Saigon; and Amadeus. Film and television credits
include Joyful Noise, “Madam Secretary,” “Good Wife,” and “Law & Order: SVU.” He has received Obie
and Lucille Lortel Awards.

PETER KIM (Guk Minsung) has appeared at The Public in Yellow Face. Broadway credits
include Thoroughly Modern Millie and Off-Broadway credits include Charles Francis Chan Jr.’s Exotic
Oriental Murder Mystery (NAATCO), Kung Fu (Signature), The Golden Dragon (PlayCo), Maple and
Vine (Playwrights Horizons), Year Zero (2ST), American Hwangap (PlayCo/Ma-Yi), and Sides (Ma-Yi).
Film credits include Saturday Church, Margin Call, Sex and the City, and Hackers. Television credits
include “After Forever,” “Chicago Med,” “Mercy,” and “Ugly Betty.” He is an associate producer at NAATCO
and a lecturer at Princeton University. Kim is a recipient of the Lilah Kan Red Socks Award.

MICHELLE KRUSIEC (Yoo Nanhee). Regional credits include Chinglish (International Broadway tour,
Berkeley Rep, South Coast Rep and Hong Kong Arts Festival). Krusiec wrote and performed the solo show
Made in Taiwan (HBO Aspen Comedy Arts Festival, New York Asian American Theatre Festival, NY Fringe 
Festival, and Fringe Encores). Her workshop credits include King of Hell’s Palace (Goodman) and Kung
Fu (Signature). Her selected film credits include The Invitation, Saving Face, and Far North, and selected
television credits include “Supergirl,” “Hawaii-5-0,” and “Getting On.” She also wrote and directed Scenes
from a Real Marriage. Krusiec received a Best Actress nomination for The Golden Horse Awards.

JAYGEE MACAPUGAY (Chorus/Wife) has appeared at The Public in Here Lies Love as Imelda Marcos
and on Broadway in School of Rock. Her Off-Broadway credits include School of Rock (Gramercy); Hello,
Dolly! (National Asian Artists Project); Imelda: A New Musical (Pan Asian Rep/East West Players); and
Honor, The Rockae (Prospect Theatre). Regional credits include Soft Power (Ahmanson, Curran); The
King and I (KC Starlight); Miss Saigon (MUNY, 5th Avenue, Casa Mañana); and Smokey Joe’s Café (Maltz
Jupiter, Riverside). International credits include Where Elephants Weep. She is a USO singer.
JOÉL PÉREZ (Digital Minsung/Chorus) has appeared at The Public in Oedipus El Rey, As You Like It, and
Fun Home (and Broadway). Off-Broadway credits include Sweet Charity (The New Group, Lortel Award
for Outstanding Featured Actor in a Musical) and Raw Bacon from Poland (Abrons Art Center). Regional
and tour credits include In the Heights (first national) and Stuck Elevator (A.C.T.). Pérez is an ensemble
member of Broken Box Mime Theater. Television credits include “Jesus Christ Superstar Live!;” “Person
of Interest;” “Odd Mom Out;” “The Big C;” and “The Outs.”

JAMAR WILLIAMS (Chorus). Off-Broadway credits include The Hairy Ape (Park Ave Armory), The Death
of The Last Black Man...(Signature Theater), and Invisible Thread (Second Stage). Regional credits
include Passing Strange (Wilma Theatre); Burn All Night, Witness Uganda, The Black Clown (A.R.T.); The
Cardboard Piano (Humana Fest); and Hairspray, The Piano Lesson (Santa Rosa Rep). Workshop and
readings credits include Sundance Theater Lab (new musical by Jeanine Tesori, David Lindsay
Abaire), Secret Soldiers (Marsha Norman/Zoe Sarnak, WTF), Director’s Lab 2016 (Lincoln Center), and
tour credits include Theatre Works USA.
KATRINA YAUKEY (Chorus) has performed at The Public in Road Show. Her Broadway credits include
Natasha, Pierre & the Great Comet of 1812; Cabaret (2014); War Horse; Billy Elliot; Company; and
Cabaret (1998). Her tour credits include Billy Elliot, Sweeney Todd, Cabaret, and Victor/Victoria.

THE PUBLIC is theater of, by, and for all people. Artist-driven, radically inclusive, and fundamentally
democratic, The Public continues the work of its visionary founder Joe Papp as a civic institution engaging,
both on-stage and off, with some of the most important ideas and social issues of today. Conceived over
60 years ago as one of the nation’s first nonprofit theaters, The Public has long operated on the principles
that theater is an essential cultural force and that art and culture belong to everyone. Under the leadership
of Artistic Director Oskar Eustis and Executive Director Patrick Willingham, The Public’s wide breadth of
programming includes an annual season of new work at its landmark home at Astor Place, Free
Shakespeare in the Park at the Delacorte Theater in Central Park, The Mobile Unit touring throughout New
York City’s five boroughs, Public Forum, Under the Radar, Public Studio, Public Works, Public
Shakespeare Initiative, and Joe’s Pub. Since premiering HAIR in 1967, The Public continues to create the
canon of American Theater and is currently represented on Broadway by the Tony Award-winning
musical Hamilton by Lin-Manuel Miranda. Their programs and productions can also be seen regionally
across the country and around the world. The Public has received 59 Tony Awards, 170 Obie Awards, 53
Drama Desk Awards, 54 Lortel Awards, 32 Outer Critics Circle Awards, 13 New York Drama Critics’ Circle
Awards, and 6 Pulitzer Prizes. publictheater.org

WILD GOOSE DREAMS will begin performances in The Public’s Martinson Hall on Tuesday, October 30
with a Free First Preview program performance, and will run through Sunday, December 9, with an official
press opening on Wednesday, November 14.
Public Theater Partner, Public Supporter, and Member tickets are available now. Full price tickets, starting
at $55, can be accessed by calling (212) 967-7555, visiting www.publictheater.org, or in person at the Taub
Box Office at The Public Theater at 425 Lafayette Street.

Continuing The Public’s mission to make great theater accessible to all, The Public’s Free First Previews
program will continue this fall; free tickets to the first preview on Tuesday, October 30 will be available
beginning October 24 via TodayTix mobile lottery, and on October 30 via the lottery in the lobby of The
Public Theater at Astor Place, with entries starting at 11 a.m. and winners drawn at 12 p.m. (Noon).
The performance schedule is Tuesday through Sunday at 7:30 p.m., and Saturday and Sunday at 1:30
p.m. (There is no 1:30 p.m. performance on Saturday, November 3. There is no 7:30 p.m. performance on
Thursday, November 22. There is an added performance on Wednesday, November 21 at 1:30 p.m.)
On Tuesday, November 13, following the 7:30 p.m. performance of WILD GOOSE DREAMS, Public
Forum will host a Speaker Series conversation titled “Connection”, an intimate conversation about
connecting to our devices and to each other, both online and off. Audio of this Speaker Series conversation
will also be available on the Public Forum’s website one week after the event. As a part of ongoing postshow
programming at The Public, additional Public Forum programming includes events include Artist
Talkbacks, Audience Conversations, and the online resource Digiturgy.

The open captioning performance will be at 1:30 p.m. on Saturday, December 1. The audio described
performance will be at 1:30 p.m. on Saturday, December 8.
The Library at The Public is open nightly for food and drink, beginning at 5:30 p.m., and Joe’s Pub at The
Public continues to offer some of the best music in the city. For more information, visit