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Catch As Catch Can

October 22 - November 17, 2018
New Ohio Theatre: 154 Christopher St.

General Admission: $25, Reserved Seat: $40

Jeff Biehl as Robbie/Roberta
Michael Esper as Tim/Theresa
Jeanie Serralles as Daniela/Lon

Arnulfo Maldonado (Set/Costume Design)
Jiyoun Chang (Lighting Design)
Brendan Aanes (Sound Design)
Samantha Shoffner (Prop Design)
Megan Schwarz Dickert (Prod. Stage Manager)
Kara Procell (Asst. Stage Manager)
Sean Gorski (Production Manager)
Maya Eilam (Graphic Design)

The Phelans and the Lavecchias grew up together in working class New England, weathering good times and bad. But Tim Phelan’s homecoming this winter sets off a spiraling crisis that strains their hold on each other—and themselves. In Mia Chung’s Catch as Catch Can, six characters are brought to life by three actors playing across gender and generation, capturing father/daughter and mother/son in a family drama that doubles as a theatrical tour de force.

00whitney3.jpg Mia Chung
Mia Chung’s plays include YOU FOR ME FOR YOU, CATCH AS CATCH CAN, and THIS EXQUISITE CORPSE.  She recently received the Stavis Playwright Award, the Frederick Loewe Award in Music-Theatre, and a Playwrights’ Center Jerome Fellowship.  YOU FOR ME FOR YOU had a UK premiere at The Royal Court Theatre, a US premiere at Woolly Mammoth Theatre, and multiple productions around the United States, including Company One (Boston), Crowded Fire Theater (San Francisco), InterAct (Philadelphia), Mu Performing Arts/Guthrie Theater (Minneapolis), Portland Playhouse (Oregon); the play is published by Bloomsbury Methuen Drama.  In 2018, the play will run in Chicago, Michigan, and upstate NY.  Mia’s work has been supported by awards, commissions, fellowships, residencies and workshops, including BAPF, Berkeley Rep Ground Floor, Blue Mountain Center, Civilians’ R&D Group, Hedgebrook, Huntington Theatre, Icicle Creek, Inkwell, JAW, LAByrinth, Ma-Yi Writers Lab, NEA, Playwrights Realm, RISCA, South Coast Rep, Southern Rep, Stella Adler Studio, and TCG.  During the coming year, she will develop work with the support of the Orchard Project, P73, NYTW, and the Playwrights’ Center.  She is a New Dramatist.