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CulBeat Express
2018.10.24 12:23

미국에서 인기있는 소설 100권 -PBS 조사-

조회 수 695 댓글 0
The Great American Read

미 공영 TV PBS가 시청자들 대상으로 가장 좋아하는 소설책을 조사한 결과 하퍼 리의 '앵무새 죽이기'가 1위로 나타났다. 
남부의 흑인차별을 다룬 이 소설은 그레고리 펙 주연의 동명 영화로 널리 알려졌으며, 브로드웨이에서 공연될 예정이다.

1 To Kill a Mockingbird
2 Outlander (Series)
3 Harry Potter (Series)
4 Pride and Prejudice
5 Lord of the Rings
6 Gone with the Wind
7 Charlotte's Web
8 Little Women
9 Chronicles of Narnia
10 Jane Eyre
11 Anne of Green Gables
12 Grapes of Wrath
13 A Tree Grows in Brooklyn
14 Book Thief
15 Great Gatsby
16 The Help
17 The Adventures of Tom Sawyer
18 1984
19 And Then There Were None
20 Atlas Shrugged
21 Wuthering Heights
22 Lonesome Dove
23 Pillars of the Earth
24 Stand
25 Rebecca
26 A Prayer for Owen Meany
27 Color Purple
28 Alice in Wonderland
29 Great Expectations
30 Catcher in the Rye
31 Where the Red Fern Grows
32 Outsiders
33 The Da Vinci Code
34 The Handmaid's Tale
35 Dune
36 The Little Prince
37 Call of the Wild
38 The Clan of the Cave Bear
39 The Hitchhiker's Guide to The Galaxy
40 The Hunger Games
41 The Count of Monte Cristo
42 The Joy Luck Club
43 Frankenstein
44 The Giver
45 Memoirs of a Geisha
46 Moby Dick
47 Catch 22
48 Game of Thrones (series)
49 Foundation (series)
50 War and Peace
51 Their Eyes Were Watching God
52 Jurassic Park
53 The Godfather
54 One Hundred Years of Solitude
55 The Picture of Dorian Gray
56 The Notebook
57 The Shack
58 A Confederacy of Dunces
59 The Hunt for Red October
60 Beloved
61 The Martian
62 The Wheel of Time (series)
63 Siddhartha
64 Crime and Punishment
65 The Sun Also Rises
66 The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Nighttime
67 A Separate Peace
68 Don Quixote
69 The Lovely Bones
70 The Alchemist
71 Hatchet (series)
72 Invisible Man
73 The Twilight Saga (series)
74 Tales of the City (series)
75 Gulliver's Travels
76 Ready Player One
77 Left Behind (series)
78 Gone Girl
79 Watchers
80 The Pilgrim's Progress
81 Alex Cross Mysteries (series)
82 Things Fall Apart
83 Heart of Darkness
84 Gilead
85 Flowers in the Attic
86 Fifty Shades of Grey
87 The Sirens of Titan
88 This Present Darkness
89 Americanah
90 Another Country
91 Bless Me, Ultima
92 Looking for Alaska
93 The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao
94 Swan Song
95 Mind Invaders
96 White Teeth
97 Ghost
98 The Coldest Winter Ever
99 The Intuitionist
100 Doña Bárbára