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*뉴욕타임스, 시티센터 발란신 축제 김기민 찬사 
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김기민(왼쪽부터), 박세은, 박원아

마린스키발레단의 수석무용수 김기민씨, 파리오페라발레단의 수석무용수 박세은씨, 샌프란시스코발레단의 솔로이스트 박원아씨가 10월 31일부터 11월 4일까지 뉴욕시티센터에서 열리는 전설적인 안무가 조지 발란신(George Balanchine, 1904-1983) 축제 'Balanchine: The City Center Years'에 초대되어 무대에 오른다. https://www.nycitycenter.org/pdps/2018-2019/Balanchine

Balanchine: The City Center Years

Oct 31 – Nov 4, 2018
New York City Center

Tickets start at $35

“The starriest event of the season... A fascinating glimpse into the varying approaches to the greatest ballet choreographer of the twentieth century.” – The New Yorker, Fall Preview

Eight of the World’s Greatest Ballet Companies  Six Distinct Programs One Unprecedented Event

In 1948 George Balanchine and Lincoln Kirstein founded New York City Ballet at City Center. It was here that Balanchine continued to develop his definitive style, which remains at the pinnacle of modern ballet. Many of Balanchine’s iconic ballets from that time had premieres at our historic theater. The thirteen different pieces chosen for this unprecedented international tribute will be performed by eight of the world’s greatest ballet companies, accompanied by the New York City Ballet Orchestra.

Balanchine: The City Center Years will feature performances by American Ballet Theatre, The Joffrey Ballet, The Mariinsky Ballet, Miami City Ballet, New York City Ballet, Paris Opera Ballet, The Royal Ballet, and San Francisco Ballet.

The six distinct performances are complemented by two special Studio 5 programs on October 25 and 29, and a special archival exhibition at City Center.

Balanchine: The City Center Years is part of New York City Center's 75th Anniversary Season.

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Program I—Wed, Oct 31 at 8pm
Miami City Ballet Serenade (Tschaikovsky) 
Emily Bromberg, Jeanette Delgado, Simone Messmer, Rainer Krenstetter, Chase Swatosh

The Mariinsky Ballet Tschaikovsky Pas de Deux (Tschaikovsky) 
Viktoria Tereshkina, Kimin Kim

The Royal Ballet Tarantella (Gottschalk) 
Anna Rose O’Sullivan and Marcelino Sambé

New York City Ballet Symphony in C (Bizet) 
First Movement: Tiler Peck, Tyler Angle; Second Movement: Sara Mearns, Jared Angle; 
Third Movement: Ashley Bouder, Anthony Huxley; Fourth Movement: Lauren King, Taylor Stanley

Program II—Thu, Nov 1 at 8pm
The Mariinsky Ballet Apollo (Stravinsky)  
Apollo: Xander Parish, Terpischore: Maria Horeva, Polyhymnia: Anastasia Nuikina, Calliope: Daria Ionova

New York City Ballet Concerto Barocco (Bach) 
Maria Kowroski, Abi Stafford, Russell Janzen

The Royal Ballet Tschaikovsky Pas de Deux (Tschaikovsky) 
Anna Rose O’Sullivan, Marcelino Sambé

San Francisco Ballet Divertimento No. 15 (Mozart) 
Dores André, Frances Chung, Sasha De Sola, Koto Ishihara, Ana Sophia Scheller, 
Benjamin Freemantle, Angelo Graco, Lonnie Weeks

Program III—Fri, Nov 2 at 8pm
San Francisco Ballet Scotch Symphony (Mendelssohn) 
Mathilde Froustey, Joseph Walsh, Dores André

The Mariinsky Ballet Tschaikovsky Pas de Deux (Tschaikovsky) 
Viktoria Tereshkina and Kimin Kim

Paris Opera Ballet Divertissement Pas de Deux from A Midsummer Night’s Dream (Mendelssohn) 
Hugo Marchand and Sae-Eun Park

The Joffrey Ballet The Four Temperaments (Hindemith)
Melancholic: Yoshihasa Arai; Sanguinic: Christine Rocas and Dylan Gutierrez; 
Phlegmatic: Greig Matthews; Choleric: Victoria Jaiani

Program IV—Sat, Nov 3 at 2pm
The Joffrey Ballet The Four Temperaments (Hindemith) 
Melancholic: Alberto Velazquez; Sanguinic: April Daly and Miguel Angel Blanco; 
Phlegmatic: Rory Hohenstein; Choleric: Victoria Jaiani

Miami City Ballet Pas de Trois (Glinka) (Glinka) 
Nathalia Arja, Ashley Knox, Kleber Rebello

Paris Opera Ballet Pas de Deux from Agon (Stravinsky) 
Hugo Marchand and Sae-Eun Park

San Francisco Ballet Divertimento No. 15 (Mozart)
Dores André, Sasha De Sola, Koto Ishihara, Wona Park, Ana Sophia Scheller, 
Benjamin Freemantle, Angelo Graco, Lonnie Weeks

Program V—Sat, Nov 3 at 8pm
The Mariinsky Ballet Apollo (Stravinsky) 
Apollo: Xander Parish, Terpischore: Maria Horeva, Polyhymnia: Anastasia Nuikina, Calliope: Daria Ionova

The Royal Ballet Tarantella (Gottschalk) 
Anna Rose O’Sullivan and Marcelino Sambé

Paris Opera Ballet Pas de Deux from Agon (Stravinsky) 
Hugo Marchand and Sae-Eun Park

American Ballet Theatre Symphonie Concertante (Mozart) 
Christine Shevchenko, Devon Teuscher and Thomas Forster

Program VI—Sun, Nov 4 at 3pm
The Joffrey Ballet The Four Temperaments (Hindemith)  
Melancholic: Yoshihasa Arai; Sanguinic: Christine Rocas and Dylan Gutierrez; 
Phlegmatic: Greig Matthews; Choleric: Victoria Jaiani

Paris Opera Ballet Divertissement Pas de Deux from A Midsummer Night’s Dream (Mendelssohn)  
Hugo Marchand and Sae-Eun Park

The Mariinsky Ballet Tschaikovsky Pas de Deux (Tschaikovsky) 
Viktoria Tereshkina and Kimin Kim

American Ballet Theatre Symphonie Concertante (Mozart)
Christine Shevchenko, Devon Teuscher and Thomas Forster
