세계 구글 직원 일제 파업 #GoogleWalkout
전세계구글 직원들이 구글이 성추행 간부에게 거액을 주며 사임케한 것을 비롯 여성과 유색인종 임금차별 등에 항의하는 대규모 파업을 시작했다.
구글 파업 조직원들이 원하는 것
-An end to Forced Arbitration
-A commitment to end pay and opportunity inequity
-A publicly disclosed sexual harassment transparency report
-A clear, uniform, globally inclusive process for reporting sexual misconduct
-Promote the Chief Diversity Officer to answer directly to the CEO
-appoint an Employee Representative to the Board
We’re the Organizers of the Google Walkout. Here Are Our Demands
Google Walkout: Employees Stage Protest Over Handling of Sexual Harassment
Google employees are walking out over sexual harassment scandals