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바이올리니스트 사라 장(Sarah Chang)이 1월 31일 펜실베니아주 버크넬대학교와 2월 2일 카네기 메인홀에서 세인트 올라프 오케스트라(Olaf Orchestra)와 시벨리우스의 바이올린 콘체르토(Sibelius Violin Concerto in D minor, Opus 47)를 협연한다.

세인트 올라프 오케스트라는 미네소타주 노스필드에 자리한 세인트 올라프 칼리지의 교내 오케스트라로 2013년 대학교 오케스트라 공연 부문에서 아메리칸상을 수상한 바 있다. 스티븐 아문슨(Steven Amundson)의 지휘로 카네기홀 데뷔를 기록하는 이번 콘서트에선 시벨리우스를 비롯, 차이코프스키, 바버, 미씨 마쫄리의 곡을 연주한다. 콘서트 티켓 $12.50-$50.

The St. Olaf Orchestra with Sarah Chang, Violin

sarah-Orchestra.jpg St. Olaf Orchestra & Sarah Chang

Thursday, January 31 at 7:30 p.m.
Weis Center for the Performing Arts, Bucknell University (With Sarah Chang)
Lewisburg, PA

Saturday, February 2 at 8 p.m.
Stern Auditorium/Perelman Stage at Carnegie Hall (With Sarah Chang)
New York City, NY

Founded in 1874 by Norwegian Lutheran immigrants, St. Olaf is a nationally ranked liberal arts college of the ELCA located in Northfield, Minnesota.

The St. Olaf Orchestra will get to live the dream of performing at Carnegie Hall. The performance will be followed by a reception for alumni and parents in the Shorin Club Room and Rohatyn Room.

sarah-Orchestra-2017-18.jpg St. Olaf Orchestra

Performing with the orchestra will be Sarah Chang, a world-renowned violinist and veteran of Carnegie Hall.

World-renowned violinist Sarah Chang will perform with the St. Olaf Orchestra on February 2, 2019.
Recognized as one of the foremost violinists of our time, Chang has performed with the most esteemed orchestras, conductors, and accompanists in an international career spanning more than two decades. Since her debut with the New York Philharmonic at the age of eight, Chang has continued to impress audiences with her technical virtuosity and refined emotional depth.

Chang will also appear with the St. Olaf Orchestra at the ensemble’s performance at Bucknell University in Lewisburg, Pennsylvania, during their 2019 Winter Tour. The tour will also feature additional stops throughout Virginia, including Fairfax County, Alexandria, and Charlottesville. Official dates and performance venues will be announced soon!

The St. Olaf Orchestra makes its Carnegie Hall debut with violinist Sarah Chang and the Sibelius Violin Concerto in D minor, Opus 47. Led by conductor Steven Amundson, the St. Olaf Orchestra was the winner of the 2013 American Prize for Orchestral Performance among colleges and universities. https://wp.stolaf.edu/stolaf-orch

The St. Olaf Orchestra
Steven Amundson, Conductor
Sarah Chang, Violin

SIBELIUS Violin Concerto
TCHAIKOVSKY Symphony No. 5
BARBER Overture to The School for Scandal, Op. 5
MISSY MAZZOLI These Worlds in Us

From $12.50 to $50


*사라 장 인터뷰 An Interview with Sarah Chang