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CulBeat Express
2019.01.27 16:11

미자연사박물관 인턴십 프로그램

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Internships for High School, College, and Graduate Students

Part of Internships for Higher Education

Internship Programs in Education at the Museum provide on-the-job training and exposure to careers in science, museum education, public programming and related fields. Interns work closely with Museum staff exploring scientific content, learn valuable skills for working with and teaching learners of all ages, organize lectures, workshops, festivals and film screenings related to the museum’s temporary and permanent exhibits, and have an impact on the experiences of thousands of Museum visitors.

For High School Students

Saltz internship Program 
Saltz Interns use hands-on interactives and technologies, such as an infrared camera and digital USB microscopes, to guide visitors of all ages in investigations of artifacts and specimens. Interns are provided with free transportation to the museum, career and college readiness training, and a stipend upon completion of the internship. 
To learn more about Saltz and for application information please click HERE.

For College Students

Museum Education and Employment Program (MEEP) 
The Museum Education and Employment Program is a unique, challenging, and paid summer experience for college-age youth. MEEP interns take a leading role in enhancing the experiences of Museum visitors, including thousands of children who visit the Museum each summer with camp groups. Interns develop themed tours of the Museum’s permanent exhibitions and work with educational touch carts in the halls, engaging thousands of visitors in scientific conversations about artifacts and specimens. 
To learn more about MEEP and for application information please click HERE.

Public Programs / Margaret Mead Film Festival Internship (Winter-Spring 2019)

The Public Programs division of the museum organizes lectures, workshops, festivals and film screenings related to the museum’s temporary and permanent exhibits. Interns will have the opportunity to work on projects related to both the Margaret Mead Film Festival and other public programs. This internship enables interns to learn about public programs and film festival production, museum operations, and outreach strategies.

To apply send a resume, cover letter, and your availability as a single PDF attachment to: Public Programs (publicprograms@amnh.org), subject line “Winter-Spring 2019: Public Programs / Margaret Mead Film Festival Internship.”

Public Programs Design Internship (Winter-Spring 2019)

Public Programs organizes the American Museum of Natural History’s lectures, workshops, festivals and film screenings related to the museum’s temporary and permanent exhibits. The Public Programs Design Intern will design print and digital marketing materials and assist in the marketing and promotion of Public Program events. The Design Intern will also work on administrative office duties and assist Public Programs staff at museum events.

To apply send a resume, cover letter, and your availability as a single PDF attachment to: Public Programs (publicprograms@amnh.org), subject line “Winter-Spring 2019: Public Programs Design Internship.”

For Graduate Students

For Graduate Student internships in Education please contact Maritza Macdonald.