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듀크대의 메간 닐리 교수가 중국인 유학생들에게 "영어로 말하라"는 이메일을 보냈고, 소셜미디어를 타고 퍼져나간 후 대학원생 디렉터직에서 파면됐다. 
닐리 교수의 이메일은 미국 대학에서 인종차별이 만연한 것을 반영할지도. 듀크대의 생통계학 프로그램 석사과정 학생 54명 중 36명이 중국계, 이 프로그램 교수진 50명 중 10명이 중국계다. 

Duke University professor removed over 'Speak English' email
Megan Neely, an assistant professor at Duke University in North Carolina, said in an email to students that two unnamed faculty members of the biostatistics Masters programme had complained to her about students speaking Chinese in public areas in the department.

Dr Neely said that two faculty members had asked her if she had photos of students on the Masters programme, before picking out a number of first-year students "who they observed speaking Chinese (in their words, VERY LOUDLY), in the student lounge/study areas".

Duke University Apologizes Over Professor’s Email Asking Chinese Students to Speak English
The professor, Megan Neely, issued the caution in an email on Friday. Professor Neely has since asked to step down from her role as director of graduate studies in the medical school’s biostatistics master’s program, the dean of Duke’s medical school, Dr. Mary E. Klotman, said in a letter to students on Saturday.
