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빌첵재단(Vilcek Foundation)이 시상하는 이민자상에 메트로폴리탄뮤지엄의 미켈란젤로 드로잉전을 기획했던 칠레 출신 카르멘 C. 밤바크 큐레이터와 이디오피아/스웨덴 출신 셰프 마커스 사무엘슨 등이 수상했다. 상금은 10만 달러. 
빌첵재단상은 2006년부터 과학과 예술 부문에 시상해왔으며, 아티스트 크리스토와 장-클로드, 영화감독 마이크 니콜스, 요리사 호세 안드레스, 댄서 미하일 바르시니코프, 첼리스트 요요마, 앤드류 볼튼 메트뮤지엄 패션 큐레이터, 그리고 한인으로는 허선(Sun Hur) 하버드대 생화학 및 분자약학과 교수(2015)와 독일의 패션디자이너 임상균(Siki Im)씨(2015) 등이 수상했다.
2000년 체코슬로바키아 출신 얀과 마르시아 빌첵 부부가 창립한 빌첵재단(Vilcek Foundation)은 미국 내 이민자의 공헌을 장려하고, 예술과 과학 부문을 진흥하는 것을 미션으로 하고 있다.   https://www.vilcek.org   
The Vilcek Prizes 2019
vilcek0.jpg Carmen C. Bambach
2019 Vilcek Prize for Excellence in Art History
The inaugural Vilcek Prize for Excellence is awarded to art historian and curator Carmen C. Bambach. Learn more about her world-renowned work. 
The Vilcek Prize for Excellence, introduced in 2019, is awarded to immigrants who have had a significant impact on both American society and world culture, or to individuals who are dedicated champions of immigrant causes. 
 Angelika Amon & Marcus Samuelsson
The recipients of the 2019 Vilcek Prizes exemplify the broad range of immigrant contributions to American society. Learn more about biomedical researcher Angelika Amon and chef Marcus Samuelsson.
The recipients are nominated by founders Jan and Marica Vilcek and confirmed by the foundation’s board of directors; the Vilcek Prize for Excellence is awarded according to merit, and therefore may not be conferred every year. This prize includes a $100,000 cash award and is presented at an awards ceremony in New York City.
The Vilcek Foundation regrets that, due to staffing limitations, it cannot respond to unsolicited nominations.
The Vilcek Prizes are awarded annually to immigrants who have made lasting contributions to American society. Two prizes are awarded, one in biomedical science and one in a rotating category of the arts and humanities; this year, the arts and humanities prize recognizes immigrant accomplishments in the culinary arts. (Previous categories include music, film, architecture, literature, dance, contemporary music, design, fashion, theatre, and fine arts.)
Vilcek Prizewinners receive a $100,000 cash award and a trophy, uniquely designed for each winner by Stefan Sagmeister. The foundation presents the Vilcek Prizes in an awards ceremony each spring in New York City.
Selection Process
The foundation appoints nominators, experts in their fields, and asks them to submit the names of potential award winners to two juries: one composed of medical researchers, and the other, experts in the cultural discipline under consideration for the current year. Each jury selects one award winner and submits its recommendation to the Vilcek Foundation's Board of Directors for final approval.
The Vilcek Foundation regrets that, due to staffing limitations, it cannot respond to unsolicited nominations.
Prize Recipients 2019
Angelika Amon
Marcus Samuelsson
Carmen C. Bambach
Amit Choudhary
Jeanne T. Paz
Mikhail G. Shapiro
Tejal Rao
Fabián von Hauske Valtierra
Nite Yun