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소설가 어네스트 헤밍웨이의 손자 션 헤밍웨이(Seán Hemingway)가 메트로폴리탄뮤지엄의 그리스-로마 미술부 큐레이터로 임명됐다. 
션 헤밍웨이는 1998년 메트뮤지엄에 어씨스턴트 큐레이터로 시작, 2010 큐레이터로 승진한 후 2017년부터 대행 큐레이터직을 맡아왔다. 션 헤밍웨이(1967- )는 어네스트 헤밍웨이가 폴린 파이퍼와 사이에 낳은 아들 그레고리 헤밍웨이의 6자녀 중 네째다.

A balding, middle-aged man with dark brown hair wearing rimless glasses, and a navy blue jacket over a white shirt with a brown tie.

Seán Hemingway
John A. and Carole O. Moran Curator in Charge

Seán Hemingway has a particular specialty in Greek and Roman bronzes. A seasoned archaeologist, Seán has excavated prehistoric, classical, and Roman sites in Greece and Spain. He received his doctorate from Bryn Mawr College, studied at the American School of Classical Studies in Athens as a Fulbright Scholar, and has been a visiting curator at the American Academy in Rome. He is the author of numerous scholarly publications, including The Horse and Jockey from Artemision: A Bronze Equestrian Monument of the Hellenistic Period, a book on Hellenistic bronze sculpture, and the novel The Tomb of Alexander.
The Met Appoints Ernest Hemingway’s Grandson to Head Its Greek and Roman Art Department Amid a Staffing Overhaul
Max Hollein has also filled the museum's top digital position and the head of European sculpture and decorative arts post, both long vacant.

The Met Appoints Ernest Hemingway’s Grandson to Head Its Greek and Roman Art Department Amid a Staffing Overhaul
Max Hollein has also filled the museum's top digital position and the head of European sculpture and decorative arts post, both long vacant.