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런던의 테이트 브리튼과 테이트 모던, 콘웰의 테이트 세인트 이브스가 양혜규씨를 비롯 5인의 여성작가 특별전을 시리즈로 연다.
테이트 브리튼은 3월 여성역사의 달에 맞추어 워싱턴 D.C.의 국립여성미술관(National Museum of Women in the Arts)의 기획으로  #5WomenArtists 캠페인을 시작한다. 
테이트 브리튼은 내년 5월 2013 터너상 후보였던 영국의 흑인작가 라이넷 이아돔-보아켸(Lynette Yiadom-Boakye) 회고전을 시작하며, 2021년엔 포르투갈 출신 폴라 레고(Paula Rego) 전시로 이어진다. 
한편, 테이트 모던은 내년 6월 폴란드 출신 조각가 막달레나 아바카노비츠(Magdalena Abakanowicz)와 11월 슬로베키아 출신 마리아 바르투초바(Maria Bartuszová) 회고전을 열며, 테이트 계열의 세인트 이브스(Tate St Ives) 미술관에서는 2020년 여름 한인작가 양혜규(Haegue Yang) 특별전을 열 예정이다. 

Tate reveals five upcoming exhibitions to mark #5WomenArtists campaign

Haegue Yang.jpg 양혜규

Tate today announced five large-scale solo exhibitions of women artists currently in development, all set to open at its galleries in 2020-21. The announcement was made as part of the #5WomenArtists campaign, organised by the National Museum of Women in the Arts in Washington D.C. to coincide with Women’s History Month.

Tate Britain will celebrate two of the most important figurative painters of their generations. In May 2020 the gallery will open the first major survey of the work of Lynette Yiadom-Boakye (Turner Prize nominee 2013), followed in 2021 by a career-spanning retrospective of Paula Rego’s paintings, drawings and prints. Tate Modern will highlight the work of two Eastern European sculptors in its 2020 programme, beginning in June with an immersive exhibition of Magdalena Abakanowicz’s huge textile sculptures. This will be followed in November by a retrospective of Maria Bartuszová, an artist renowned for her experimental abstract works in plaster evoking natural forms. In summer 2020, Tate St Ives will stage a major exhibition dedicated to the multisensory work of South Korean artist Haegue Yang.

Many more exhibitions, commissions and displays of women artists at Tate Britain, Tate Modern, Tate Liverpool and Tate St Ives are taking place over the course of this year, with more to be announced as part of Tate’s full 2020 programme this summer.

Now in its fourth year, the social media campaign #5WomenArtists takes place each Women’s History Month and aims to increase the awareness of gender inequity in the arts. It began by simply asking the question ‘Can you name five women artists?’ Led by the National Museum of Women in the Arts in Washington D.C., over 1000 galleries, museums and cultural institutions around the world have since taken part in the discussion on their social and digital channels. This year they are also being invited to publicly make pledges or announcements to support gender equity in the arts.

To coincide with International Women’s Day next week, Tate Publishing is also launching two books. The Bigger Picture: Women Who Changed the Art World, written by Sophia Bennett and illustrated by Manjit Thapp, offers young readers an introduction to some of the most renowned women artists. The Art of Feminism, edited by Helena Rickett and written by Lucinda Gosling, Hilary Robinson and Amy Tobin, traces the way feminists have shaped art and visual culture over the past 150 years.