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Youngjoo An, soprano

March 19, 2019, 8:00 pm
Weill Recital Hall

Katarzyna Salwinski, piano

Ahn.jpg https://www.carnegiehall.org/Events#calendar

Reynaldo Hahn (1874-1947) Le rossignol des lilas
Reynaldo Hahn (1874-1947) Si mes vers avaient des ailes (1888)
Reynaldo Hahn (1874-1947) Fȇtes galantes (1892)
John Duke (1899-1984) Just Spring (1949)
Lee Hoiby (1926-2011) Always it’s Spring
Mozart (1756-1791) Exsultate, jubilate K. 165 (1773)
Sooin Lee (b. 1939) Song of home town 이수인 작곡 '고향의 노래'
Youngsub Choi (b.1929) A longing for Mt. Geumgang  최영섭 작곡 '그리운 금강산' 
Puccini (1858-1924) Signore ascolta! from Turandot (1926)
Puccini (1858-1924) Vissi d’arte, vissi d’amore from Tosca (1899)
Puccini (1858-1924) Un bel di vedremo from Madama Butterfly (1904)
Massenet (1842-1912) Je marche sur tous les chemins - Obéissons from Manon (1884)

소프라노 안영주 
서울예술고등학교를 거쳐 연세대학교 음악대학에서 기악(피아노)학사와 성악 학사 취득 후 인디애나 음악대학 성악 석사 학위를 그리고 템플대학에서 Full Scholarship으로 오페라 코치 및 반주학 석사와 성악 박사 학위를 받았다.
Opera Festival of New Jersey 에서 <오르페오와 에우리디체>를 시작으로 <쟌니스끼끼>, <팔스타프>, <내 친구 프리츠>, <돈 죠반니>, <박쥐>, <라보엠>, <유진 오네긴>, <피가로의 결혼>에서 주역으로 공연하였다. 이 중 템플대학에서 두 편의 오페라 <팔스타프>, <내 친구 프리츠>는 National Opera Association에서 2004년, 2007년 각 1위로 입상하였으며 Pi Kappa Lambda 콩쿨에서도 1위로 입상하였다. 
2013년 귀국 독창회를 비롯하여 성남청향과 협연, 한국오페라연구회, KBS클래식 FM화요초대석, 과천시 음악회, 여수 장애인의 날 초청 독창회, 프랑스 아리아 듀오 리사이틀, 서울시립오페라단의 마티네 오페라 등 활발히 연주활동을 하고 있다. 한국에서는 최승태교수에게 사사하였고 미국에서는 Patricia Wise, Philip Y. Cho에게 사사하였다.
미국 템플대학에서 초빙교수(Artist in Residence)를 역임하였고 현재는 한국예술종합학교에서 오페라코치로 후학을 양성 중이다.

About the Program
Reynaldo Hahn is best known as a composer of songs written in the French classical tradition of the mélodie. In 1888 Reynaldo composed "Si mes vers avaient des ailes" to a poem by Victor Hugo; it was an instant success when published by Le Figaro. From this exposure and publicity, Hahn came into contact with many leading artists in Paris. "Le rossignol des lilas" is one of his loveliest creations and most unusual in that the vocal line and the piano are welded together throughout. 

Although John Duke's work covered a wide range of styles, it showed the particular influence of 19th-century German Lieder. He had a passion for setting poems in his native language to music and almost all of his compositions were written for voice (approximately 260 art songs).

Lee Hoiby is best known as a composer of operas and songs. His most well known work is his setting of Tennessee Williams's Summer and Smoke, which premiered at the St Paul Opera in 1971.

Mozart wrote his motet Exsultate, Jubilate, K 165, (Rejoice, Be Glad) when he was still in his teens. The text, of unknown authorship, is rife with gladness, and Mozart ably captured this joyful mood in his music. The third movement ends with a brilliant and exuberant setting of “Alleluia.” 

Manon is Massenet's most popular and enduring opera. Having "quickly conquered the world's stages", it has maintained an important place in the repertory since its creation. It is the quintessential example of the charm and vitality of the music and culture of the Parisian Belle Époque.

About the Performers
Soprano Youngjoo An has held solo recitals at major concert halls in South Korea. She has performed with the Seoul Orchestra, Seoul City Opera, Gwangju City Opera. 

Pianist Katarzyna Salwinski has performed as a soloist with orchestras and chamber ensembles in Europe, United States, Middle East, and Japan. She has appeared twice at Carnegie Hall, and performed under the batons of Jerzy Kosek, Luis Biava of Philadelphia Orchestra.