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뉴스쿨의 윤소영 교수가 하우저 & 워스 인스티튜트의 2019 펠로십으로 티파니 보일, 케빈 로터리, 글로리아 서튼과 함께 총 15만 달러를 받는다. 윤소영 교수는 1년간 아티스트 차학경(Teresa Hak Kyung Cha, 1951-1982)에 관한 연구하게 된다.

Hauser & Wirth Institute Announces 2019 Fellowship Recipients 


Jennifer Gross, Executive Director of Hauser & Wirth Institute, today announced the recipients of the Institute's 2019 research fellowships for pre-doctoral, postdoctoral, and senior scholars.

Postdoctoral and Senior Scholar Research Fellowships for 2019 totaling $150,000 have been awared to Tiffany Boyle, Kevin 
Lotery, Dr. Gloria Sutton, and Soyoung Yoon. This program supports nine to twelve months of archival research in the field of modern and contemporary art. 

Catherine Ingrams and Robin Joyce have been awarded Predoctoral Research Fellowships for 2019. This program awards pre-doctoral fellows $10,000 each to support two consecutive months of archive-based research related to individual modern and contemporary artists. The 2019 fellowships in this category have been organized in collaboration with the Arshile Gorky Foundation and the Guston Foundation to focus upon these two titans of American art.


These archive-based fellowships promote meaningful, field-enriching research by established art historians and encourage a new generation of visual art scholars. The fellowships are intended to nurture art historical dialogue and advance the use of primary materials in scholarly and curatorial work in the field of modern and contemporary art.


Information on the recipients and their areas of study:

Tiffany Boyle, The School of Design, Glasgow School of Art, Glasgow, Scotland

Donald Locke (1930 – 2010)

Tiffany Boyle will research and revise understandings of the pivotal transitions within Guyanese artist Donald Locke’s practice between 1972 – 1981.  His papers have been acquired by the Stuart A. Rose Manuscript, Archives, and Rare Book Library at Emory University, Atlanta GA, where the majority of her research will take place.


Kevin Lotery, PhD, The New School, New York, and Newcastle University, Newcastle, UK

Meyer Schapiro (1904 – 1996)

Through the fellowship program, Kevin Lotery will explore the hybrid theoretical and artistic practices of art historian and painter Meyer Schapiro, whose papers are located at Columbia University’s Rare Book and Manuscript Library. 


Dr. Gloria Sutton, Northeastern University, Boston MA

Shigeko Kubota (1937 – 2015)

The Hauser & Wirth Institute fellowship will support Sutton’s primary research on the artist Shigeko Kubota, and she will be one of the first art historian’s to access the Shigeko Kubota Video Art Foundation, which houses the artist’s complete archives. 



Soyoung Yoon, Ph.D., The New School, New York NY

Theresa Hak Kyung Cha (1951 – 1982)

Through the support of the fellowship, Yoon will conduct research around the artist Theresa Hak Kyung Cha’s archives, particularly their artist’s books, mail art, and documentation of performances. The Cha Collection is housed at the University of California, Berkeley Art Museum and Pacific Film Archive. In addition, Yoon intends to travel to Korea to research the production of Cha’s last, incomplete, experimental film ‘White Dust from Mongolia’ (1980). 


Catherine Ingrams, University College London, London, UK

Arshile Gorky (1904 – 1948)

At the Arshile Gorky Foundation Archives, Catherine Ingramswill pursue archival research to establish further information as to the experiments Gorky may have made to achieve equivalent methods of rendering his portraits to appear similar to the Ptolemaic portraits found in the Fayum region of Egypt. In addition, Ingrams will also search for exchanges between Gorky and Wilfredo Lam, Gorky’s friend and fellow abstract artist.

Robin Joyce, The Institute of Fine Arts at New York University, New York NY

Philip Guston (1913 – 1980)

Through the assistance of this fellowship, Robin Joyce will research Philip Guston’s archives for information on his mural for the WPA Building at the 1939 – 1940 New York World’s Fair, particularly the issues of vision and visibility.  Public murals, commissioned largely by the WPA/Federal Art Project and the Treasury Section, dominate Guston’s early work and lie at the heart of what Francis V. O’Connor terms Guston’s‘political humanism.’ 


In 2018, Postdoctoral and Senior Scholar Research Fellowships were awarded to Melissa Rachleff, Robert Slifkin, PhD and Philip Larratt-Smith.


On 22 March 2019, the Institute will host the first in a series of symposia dedicated to advancing a public discourse on current issues and best practices in the management of artists’ archives, ‘The Rapidly Changing Landscape of Archive Stewardship in Contemporary Art.’


Editor’s Notes


Hauser & Wirth Institute is an independent non-profit institute devoted to art historical scholarship and the preservation and accessibility of artists’ archives.


Fellowship Recipients’ Biographies


Tiffany Boyle, The School of Design, Glasgow School of Art, Glasgow, Scotland

Donald Locke (1930 – 2010)

Tiffany Boyle is a curator, researcher, writer, and Associate Faculty of the MLitt Curatorial Practice program at The Glasgow School of Art. Boyle graduated with distinction from the Edinburgh College of Art with an MA in Contemporary Art Theory, before undertaking the MA CuratorLab program at Konstfack College of Arts, Crafts, & Design in Stockholm. 


Kevin Lotery, PhD, The New School, New York, and Newcastle University, Newcastle, UK

Meyer Schapiro (1904 – 1996)

Kevin Lotery is a lecturer at the Eugene Lang College of Liberal Arts, The New School; and of Critical Theory and the Arts at the School of Visual Arts, New York. Previously he has lectured at Sarah Lawrence College, Harvard, and Columbia University. Lotery obtained both his Masters and PhD from Harvard University, and his BA from Columbia University. 


Dr. Gloria Sutton, Northeastern University, Boston MA

Shigeko Kubota (1937 – 2015)

Sutton is Associate Professor of Contemporary Art History at Northeastern University, and is affiliated faculty with Information Design and Visualization. She serves as faculty advisor for Art History and Visual Studies, as well as on the Executive Committee for Northeastern University‚ Women‚ Gender, and Sexuality Studies Program. Previously she was a lecturer at The University of Southern California, Roski School of Art, Los Angeles. Sutton holds a PhD from University of California Los Angeles, and a BA (Hons.) from the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill. In addition, she was the Helena Rubinstein Fellow in Critical Studies at the Whitney Museum of American Art, 1997 – 1998. 

Soyoung Yoon, Ph.D., The New School, New York NY

Theresa Hak Kyung Cha (1951 – 1982)

Soyoung Yoon is Assistant Professor and Program Director of Art History & Visual Studies at the Department of the Arts, Eugene Lang College of Liberal Arts, The New School. Soyoung is a Visiting Faculty of Critical Theory at the Whitney Museum Independent Study Program (ISP). In 2015–16, she was a Postdoctoral Fellow at Brown University at the Pembroke Center for Teaching and Research on Women under the annual theme of ‘Fatigue.’ Soyoung received her PhD from Stanford University, and holds a BA from Seoul National University. 


Catherine Ingrams, University College London, London, UK

Arshile Gorky (1904 – 1948)

Catherine Ingrams is a second-year PhD candidate in the History of Art Department at University College London. Under the supervision of Briony Fer, her doctoral project focuses on an investigation of the relationship between mid-twentieth century abstraction and the operations of bio-politics. Ingrams holds an MA in Art History from the Courtauld Institute of Art, London, LL.M from University College London, and BA (Hons.), Trinity College, Dublin. 


Robin Joyce, The Institute of Fine Arts at New York University, New York NY

Philip Guston (1913– 1980)

Robin Joyce is a PhD candidate at the Institute of Fine Arts at New York University. Joyce holds an MA from the Institute of Fine Arts, New York University, and a BA (Hons) from Georgetown University. Joyce’s Masters thesis, ‘Jasper Johns: Printmaking as a Technology of Doubt’ was marked for distinction. As an undergraduate, Joyce studied Art History, English, and Theatre and Performance Studies at Georgetown University.