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메트로폴리탄뮤지엄이 5월 17일 오후 6시 30분 화가 출신 줄리안 슈나벨 감독이 연출한 빈센트 반 고흐 전기영화 '영원의 문에서(At Eternity's Gate)'를 상영한다. 이날 상영회에는 화가 출신 줄리안 슈나벨 감독과 메트뮤지엄 디렉터 맥스 홀레인이 영화를 소개할 예정이다. 티켓은 메트뮤지엄 입장료에 포함된다. 

*예고편 https://youtu.be/T77PDm3e1iE


At Eternity's Gate:
Film Screening with an Introduction by Julian Schnabel and Max Hollein

Friday / May 17, 2019
6:30 PM

Julian Schnabel, Painter and Director
Max Hollein, Director, The Met

Julian Schnabel's award-winning film At Eternity's Gate is a vivid, intensely affecting journey inside the world and mind of Vincent van Gogh.

"The making of art gives an opportunity to make a palpable body that expresses a reason to live, if such a thing exists. Even with all the violence and tragedy that has been associated with Van Gogh's life, there is no doubt, his was a life lived rich with magic, profound communication with nature and the wonder of being.

Van Gogh's unique perspective is one whose belief and vision make visible and physical the inexpressible. He seems to have transgressed death and encouraged others to do the same."

— Julian Schnabel, May 2018

Tickets include same-day Museum admission