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제프 쿤스(Jeff Koons, 64)의 스테인레스 스틸 조각 '토끼(Rabbit, 1986)'가 16일 뉴욕 크리스티 경매에서 9천1백만 달러($91,075,000)에 팔리며 생존 작가 사상 최고가를 기록했다.

이전 최고가는 지난해 9월 9천30만 달러에 팔린 데이빗 호크니(David Hockney)의 회화 'Portrait of an Artist (Pool with Two Figures)'였다. 제프 쿤스의 이전 최고 기록은 2013년 5840만 달러에 팔린 '풍선개(Balloon Dog, Orange)'였다. 

*제프 쿤스 '토끼' 구매자는 스티븐 므누친 재무장관 아버지 밥 므누친




LOT 15 B|Jeff Koons: A Masterpiece from the Collection of S.I. Newhouse

Jeff Koons (b. 1955) 


Price realised

USD 91,075,000


USD 50,000,000 - USD 70,000,000


Jeff Koons (b. 1955)


stainless steel

41 x 19 x 12 in. (104.1 x 48.3 x 30.5 cm.)

Executed in 1986. This work is number two from an edition of three plus one artist's proof and is accompanied by a certificate of authenticity signed by the artist.


Sonnabend Gallery, New York

Private collection, New York

Gagosian Gallery, New York 

Acquired from the above by the present owner, 1992

*제프 쿤스 휘트니뮤지엄 회고전 2014


Christie's NY Post-War and Contemporary Evening Sale total $538.9 Million


The top lots of the sale were Jeff Koon’s, Rabbit ($91,075,000) - a World Auction Record for Living Artist and Robert Rauschenberg’s Buffalo II, which sold for $88,805,000, after a bidding war on the phones which lasted over 10 minutes

Market for Contemporary Sculpture redefined with New World Auction Records set for: Jeff Koon’s, Rabbit ($91,075,000)World Auction Record for Living Artist Louise Bourgeois, Spider $32,055,000 World Auction Record and second highest price at auction for a woman artist

6 Further Records Were Set This Evening, Including:

World Auction Record: Robert Rauschenberg, Buffalo II, $88,805,000

World Auction Record: Frank Stella, Point of Pines, $28,082,500

World Auction Record: Larry Rivers, The Last Civil War Veteran, $1,215,000

World Auction Record: Jonas Wood, Japanese Garden 3, $4,928,500

World Auction Record: Daniel Buren, Peinture aux formes indéfinies, $2,175,000

Record in the Medium: Bruce Nauman, From Hand to Mouth, $1,575,000

Strong results achieved for collections:

Masterpieces from The Collection of S.I. Newhouseconcluded with tonight’s Evening Sale with outstanding results for the 6 lots that were offered tonight, following 5 that were sold in our Impressionist and Modern Art Evening Sale on Monday evening, bringing the final total to $216,287,500 against an overall estimate of $136m. The group was led by Jeff Koons’ monumental Rabbit, from 1986, which realized $91,075,000, setting a new world auction record for a living artist. 

The Robert B. and Beatrice C. Mayer Family Collectiondedicated selection, which commenced the Post-War and Contemporary Art Evening Sale, achieved very strong results of $157,221,000, bringing the collection’s running total to $173,448,750. Tonight’s group was led by Robert Rauschenberg’s Buffalo II, which sold for $88,805,000, setting a new world auction record for the artist. This was followed by Roy Lichtenstein’s Kiss III, which realized $31,135,000 and Larry Rivers’ The Last Civil War Veteran which doubled its high estimate to achieve a world auction record of $1,215,000. Further works will be offered in tomorrow’s Post-War and Contemporary Art Day Sales.