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3월 여성역사의 달(Women's History Month)을 맞아 미국의 272개 미술관이 여성 작가 홍보에 박차를 가한다. 
참가하는 미술관은 The National Museum of Women in the Arts을 비롯, Smithsonian National Portrait Gallery, Guggenheim Museum, Los Angeles County Museum of Art, Toronto International Film Festival, Museu de Arte Sacra de São Paulo, and the Tate Modern 등.
워싱턴 DC의 국립여성미술관(The National Museum of Women in the Arts)은 2016년부터 #5WomenArtists 캠페인을 벌여왔으며, 김수자(Kimsooja)씨를 비롯 Guerrilla Girls, Judy Chicago, Sonya Clark, Nan Goldin  등이 하이라이트.

272 Museums Join Social Media Campaign to Promote Women Artists
With the hashtag #5WomenArtists, the National Museum of Women in the Arts is leading the charge in sharing stories and works by women artists.
