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아시안아메리칸을 주제로 한 5부작 다큐멘터리 'Asian Americans'가 오는 5월 11일과 12일 오후 8시 공영방송 PBS-TV에서 방영된다. 다니엘 대 김(로스트)이 해설자, 그레이스 리(그레이스 리 프로젝트)가 부분 연출을 맡았다.

WETA and Center For Asian American Media (CAAM) in association with the Independent Television Service (ITVS) Present

Narrated by Daniel Dae Kim and Tamlyn Tomita

Storefront of Chinatown meat and vegetable market, San Francisco, California, 1985. Courtesy University of Washington, Special Collections, Hester 11128  

Series Produced by Academy Award®-nominee Renee Tajima-Peña
Executive Produced by Jeff Bieber and Dalton Delan for WETA
Executive Produced by Stephen Gong and Donald Young for CAAM
Executive Produced by Sally Jo Fifer for ITVS
Executive Produced by Jean Tsien
Episodes Produced by S. Leo Chiang, Geeta Gandbhir and Grace Lee

Five-Part Series Premiering May 11 and 12, 2020
Episodes 1 and 2 airing May 11 at 8PM on PBS
Episodes 3, 4, 5 airing on May 12 at 8PM on PBS

The most ambitious television chronicle of the Asian American story to date, the 5-hour docu-series, ASIAN AMERICANS, will launch on May 11 and 12, 8PM.

ASIAN AMERICANS delivers a bold, fresh perspective on a history that matters today more than ever, at a time when themes of immigration, race and xenophobia, inform all facets of the national conversation. As the United States rapidly becomes more diverse, but also more divided, how do we move forward together?

Asian immigrants first arrived in large numbers during the mid-1800s. They were mostly young laborers and full of dreams, but they were met with hostility and hysteria. Branded the “Yellow Peril” and the “Dusky Peril,” they were blamed for disease, vice and unfair labor competition. Long considered perpetually foreign and unassimilable, Asians faced exclusionary laws and were barred from becoming citizens. They were America’s first “undocumented immigrants.”

The series will take audiences through the momentous years since then, and the lives of people who helped to shape this history. ASIAN AMERICANS is about their resilience during extraordinary times, through anti-Asian exclusion, a Great Depression, multiple wars fought in Asia, mass incarceration, and the journeys of countless refugees.

At each of these tipping points, core ideals of equality and justice were constantly tested. Yet Asian Americans built railroads and cyber-highways. They created families and communities, and stood up for their ideals in the courts, at the ballot box, in the fields, on the streets and in the culture.

ASIAN AMERICANS illuminates two visions of the American Dream for the nation’s fastest growing population: One of opportunity and a better life, but also the pursuit of democracy and equality. It is the story of how a people, long denied citizenship, have come to define what it means to be an American.

EPISODE 1: BREAKING GROUND (1850’s-1920’s)
•Produced by S. Leo Chiang, Narrated by Daniel Dae Kim

•Interviewees include Mia Abeya, Candy Gourlay, Gordon H. Chang, Connie Young Yu, Vivek Bald, Sharmila Sen, and Nancy Wang Yuen

This era of nation-building and expansion is also a time of Asian exclusion and Jim Crow, as the United States wrestles with the definition of who can be an American and who is deserving of full citizenship.

Despite anti-Asian sentiment and policies, immigrants continue to arrive from China, India, Japan, Korea, and the Philippines. Barred by exclusionary laws and considered aliens who could never assimilate as Americans, Asians become the nation’s first “undocumented immigrants.” Yet they build railroads, create families and communities and dazzle on the silver screen. With no political power, Asian Americans challenge inequality in the courts, and set landmark US Supreme Court precedents that guarantee birthright citizenship and equal protection for non-citizens.

•Produced by Grace Lee, narrated by Tamlyn Tomita

•Interviewees include Satsuki Ina, Flip Ahn Cuddy, Jane Hong, Roberta Uno, and Brian Niiya

An American-born generation are citizens by birth, while their immigrant parents remain “aliens ineligible for citizenship.” These young Asian Americans come of age straddling two cultures, between the United States and their familial homelands. Those loyalties are tested as Japan ramps up its imperial aggression during the 1930s, and the Pacific War breaks out in the 1940s. The episode tells the story of the children of a Korean independence leader, Japanese American families imprisoned in detention camps, and for four brothers who find themselves on opposite sides of the battle lines.

•Produced by S. Leo Chiang, narrated by Daniel Dae Kim

•Interviewees include Jeff Chang, Randall Park, Helen Zia, Alex Fabros, David Henry Hwang, Winifred Chin, Wendy Mink and Tammy Duckworth

The episode opens with a retro montage of 1950s Asian screen images that populate the Cold War years. It is a time of contradiction for Asian Americans. They are heralded as a quiet Model Minority, an image that is used as a wedge against African American demands for civil rights and equality. At the same time, they are targeted as perpetual foreigners and suspected as Communist subversives. It is also a time of bold ambition, as Asian Americans aspire for the first time to national political office, while a cultural and political awakening simmers beneath the surface.

•Produced by Grace Lee, narrated by Tamlyn Tomita

•Interviewees include Lily Lee Adams, Laureen Chew, Nobuko Miyamoto, Brenda and Jan Sunoo, Ham Tran and Viet Thanh Nguyen.

A young generation is transformed by the Vietnam War and social tumult at their universities and in their communities. They fight for equality in the fields, on campuses and in the culture, and define a new identity: Asian Americans. Just as quickly, new immigrants and refugees arrive and expand the definition of Asian America.

•Produced by Geeta Gandbhir, narrated by Daniel Dae Kim

•Interviewees include Hari Kondabolu, Mee Moua, Helen Zia, Viet Thanh Nguyen, Jeff Chang, Angela Oh, Jerry Yang, Oanh Ha, and Tereza Lee

At the turn of the new millennium, the country is growing more diverse, yet also more divided. Asian Americans are empowered by rising numbers and influence but face a reckoning of what it means to be an American in an increasingly polarized society. From Koreatown to Detroit and upstate New York, Asian Americans navigate the fault lines of immigration and racial conflict while innovating new technologies and cultural forms, and work alongside other Americans to create a more just future.

About WETA
WETA is the leading public broadcasting company in the nation’s capital, serving Virginia, Maryland, and the District of Columbia with educational initiatives and with high-quality programming on WETA Television and Classical WETA 90.9 FM. For national PBS audiences, WETA Washington, D.C., is one of the largest-producing stations of new content for public television in the United States, with news and public affairs programs including PBS NewsHour and Washington Week; films by Ken Burns such as The Civil War and The Roosevelts: An Intimate History; and performance specials from the White House, the U.S. Capitol, and the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts. More information on WETA and its programs and services is available at www.weta.org. On social media, visit www.facebook.com/wetatvfm on Facebook or follow @WETAtvfm on Twitter.

About CAAM
CAAM (Center for Asian American Media) is a nonprofit organization dedicated to presenting stories that convey the richness and diversity of Asian American experiences to the broadest audience possible. CAAM does this by funding, producing, distributing, and exhibiting works in film, television, and digital media. For more information on CAAM, please visit www.caamedia.org.

About Flash Cuts
Flash Cuts is an Asian American-owned post-production facility based in Los Angeles. With over 30 years of experience in commercials, trailers, public television, and independent film, Walt Louie started Flash Cuts to serve a community of filmmakers east of Hollywood. For more information about Flash Cuts, please visit www.flashcuts.com.

About ITVS
ITVS is a San Francisco-based nonprofit organization that has, for over 25 years, funded and partnered with a diverse range of documentary filmmakers to produce and distribute untold stories. ITVS incubates and co-produces these award-winning films and then airs them for free on PBS via our weekly series, Independent Lens, as well as other series, and Indie Lens Storycast and our digital platform, OVEE. ITVS is funded by the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. For more information, visit itvs.org.

About PBS
PBS, with more than 330 member stations, offers all Americans the opportunity to explore new ideas and new worlds through television and digital content. Each month, PBS reaches over 126 million people through television and 26 million people online, inviting them to experience the worlds of science, history, nature and public affairs; to hear diverse viewpoints; and to take front row seats to world-class drama and performances. PBS’ broad array of programs has been consistently honored by the industry’s most coveted award competitions. Teachers of children from pre-K through 12th grade turn to PBS for digital content and services that help bring classroom lessons to life. Decades of research confirms that PBS’ premier children’s media service, PBS KIDS, helps children build critical literacy, math, and social-emotional skills, enabling them to find success in school and life. Delivered through member stations, PBS KIDS offers high-quality educational content on TV – including a 24/7 channel, online at pbskids.org, via an array of mobile apps and in communities across America. More information about PBS is available at www.pbs.org, one of the leading dot-org websites on the internet, or by following PBS on Twitter, Facebook or through our apps for mobile and connected devices. Specific program information and updates for press are available at pbs.org/pressroom or by following PBS Pressroom on Twitter.

About CPB
The Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB), a private, nonprofit corporation created by Congress in 1967, is the steward of the federal government’s investment in public broadcasting. It helps support the operations of more than 1,500 locally owned and operated public television and radio stations nationwide. CPB is also the largest single source of funding for research, technology, and program development for public radio, television, and related online services. For more information, visit www.cpb.org and follow us on Twitter @CPBmedia, Facebook and LinkedIn, and subscribe for email updates. 
