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영국의 가디언지가 한국이 봉쇄 없이 코로나19 방역에 성공한 이유를 여섯가지로 분석했다. 그리고, 여기서 배워야할 교훈을 질문한다. 한국은 4월 26일 현재 새 확진자 10명, 사망자 1명, 총 사망자243명이다. 
1. 검사 2.추적 3. 정보 4. 자가 격리 5. 배달 문화 6. 마스크

How did South Korea flatten the curve?
On 29 February​, South Korea reported a peak of 909 new Covid-19 cases. It was suffering one of the worst outbreaks outside of China.
But last week, the government announced a single-digit number of new cases for the first time in almost two months.
Experts say South Korea is one of few to succeed in 'flattening the curve' despite never having a formal lockdown in place​. What lessons can we learn from it?  How did South Korea flatten the curve?
On 29 February​, South Korea reported a peak of 909 new Covid-19 cases. It was suffering one of the worst outbreaks outside of China.
But last week, the government announced a single-digit number of new cases for the first time in almost two months.
Experts say South Korea is one of few to succeed in 'flattening the curve' despite never having a formal lockdown in place​. What lessons can we learn from it?