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코로나19, 부익부빈익빈

지난 2개월간 록다운으로 미 실업자는 3천800만명으로 증가했고, 중소 기업 허덕이고 있지만, 미 억만장자들의 재산은 4조340억 달러로 더 증가한 것으로 드러났다. 아마존의 제프 베조스는 346억 달러, 페이스북의 마크 저커버그는 250억 달러 부가 늘어났다.  

⬆️$34.6B: Jeff Bezos/ Amazon

⬆️$25.3B: Mark Zuckerberg/ Facebook

⬆️$12.8B: Steve Ballmer/Microsoft

⬆️$12.3B: Mike Bloomberg/ Bloomberg

⬆️$12B: M. Bezos/ Amazon 

⬆️$11.8B: Elon Musk/ SpaceX

⬆️$8.1B: C. Koch/ Koch Industries

American billionaires got $434 billion richer during the pandemic

U.S. billionaires saw their fortunes soar by $434 billion during the nation’s lockdown between mid-March and mid-May, according to a new report.

Amazon’s Jeff Bezos and Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg had the biggest gains.

Bezos added $34.6 billion to his wealth and Zuckerberg picked up $25 billion.

