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뉴욕주가 스몰비지니스, 비영리재단을 대상으로 코로나19 구제 대출 기금을 새로 접수한다. 20명 이하 풀타임 직원이 있는 사업체, 비영리재단 및 렌탈 수입이 감소한 랜드로드 등이 신청할 수 있다. 

New York Forward Loan Fund
New York Forward Loan Fund (NYFLF) is a new economic recovery loan program aimed at supporting New York State small businesses, nonprofits and small landlords as they reopen after the COVID-19 outbreak and NYS on PAUSE.

NYFLF targets the state’s small businesses with 20 or fewer full-time equivalent (FTE) employees (90% of all businesses), nonprofits and small landlords that have seen a loss of rental income.

NYFLF is providing working capital loans so that small businesses, nonprofits and small landlords have access to credit as they reopen. These loans are available to small businesses, nonprofits, and small landlords that did not receive a loan from either the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) or SBA Economic Injury Disaster Loans (EIDL) for COVID-19 in 2020.  The loans are not forgivable in part or whole.  The loans will need to be paid back over a 5-year term with interest.

The working capital loans are timed to support businesses and organizations as they proceed to reopen and have upfront expenses to comply with guidelines (e.g., inventory, marketing, refitting for new social distancing guidelines) under the New York Forward Plan.    