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마크 저커버그 페이스북 CEO가 최근 트위터가 가짜 뉴스를 퍼트리는 도날드 트럼프에 '사실확인 필요' 라벨을 붙인 것에 대해 비판했다.

콘텐츠 없이 온라인 플랫폼을 제공하며 개인 정보를 팔아 억만장자가 된 마크 저커버그의 실체, 돈-돈-돈.

Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg said Twitter was wrong to fact-check tweets from President Donald Trump

In an interview with Fox News to be broadcast Thursday, Zuckerberg says its not the role of a private company to be the ‘arbiter of truth’

Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey immediately took issue with the comments 

He said the site would continue to call out 'incorrect or disputed information' about elections shared by users 

The spat came after Trump said he will sign some sort of 'social media'-focused executive order on Thursday 

The president was angered Tuesday when Twitter fact-checked two of his  tweets that made dubious claims about mail-in voter fraud

Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg criticizes Twitter for fact-checking President Trump

