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초록은 동색. 톰 라이스 의원(사우스캐롤라이나주/공화당)이 자신과 부인, 아들이 모두 우한 독감(Wuhan Flu)에 걸렸다고 페이스북에 올려 논란이 되고 있다. 트럼프처럼 코로나19(COVID-19)이 중국에서 왔다는 것을 강조한 것. 

Congressman Tom Rice
Hello, my friends.
I wanted to let you know that all 3 members of our household: Wrenzie, our son Lucas, and I all have the Wuhan Flu. We are all on the mend and doing fine.

COVID-19 is a serious, sometimes deadly illness. We, however, have fared well. I wanted to relay our experience so far.
NEWSGOP Rep. Declares He Has ‘Wuhan Flu’ – Downplays Deadly Coronavirus by Saying ‘Only Bad Thing’ Is ‘Can’t Taste Bacon
