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뉴욕의 동물원(Bronx Zoo, Central Park Zoo, Queens Zoo, and Prospect Park Zoo)들이 7/24일 문을 연다. 
뉴욕시 알프레스코(Outdoor -Dining) 할로윈(10/31)까지 지속.

NYC Opening
Limited Opening: Outdoor dining only 
Sectors Open: Hair Salons/Barber shops, Nail salons, Spas, Tattoo Parlors Professional Offices, Retail stores, Real Estate, Rental & Leasing, Car dealerships Education: Distance learning for K-12

NYC Enters Phase IV. Here's What's Reopening, What's Staying Closed

뉴욕주 4단계 오프닝(7/20) 업체 , 뉴욕시 제외

Phase Four: All regions of the state, except New York City, have entered Phase 4 of reopening.
Higher Education
Pre-K to Grade 12 Schools
Low-Risk Outdoor Arts & Entertainment
Low-Risk Indoor Arts & Entertainment
Media Production
Professional Sports Competitions With No Fans