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코로나 팬데믹으로 재택 근무, '집콕'으로 지루해진 미국인들 수백만명이 주식 투자를 시작했다고 월스트릿저널이 보도했다. 
E*Trade Financial Corp.에는 3월에만 신규 투자자들이 26만500여명에 달했다. 영국에서도 당일 매매 주식 투자자들이 급증했다.

Everyone’s a Day Trader Now
Bored, isolated and out of work amid the pandemic, millions of Americans are chasing stock-market glory—and bragging about it online. Not everyone’s a winner though.

One of the UK's biggest trading platforms saw a huge spike in users and revenues as day-trading booms around the world
The trading platform added close to 100,000 new users in the fiscal year 2020, a 34% rise from the previous year.
