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NYCB Radar
2020.07.30 10:35

미국 2분기 성장률 -32.9%

조회 수 401 댓글 0
코로나 팬데믹으로 미국의 2020년 2분기(4-6월) 경제성장률이 -32.9%로 1947년의 분기 성장률 집계 이후 가장 낮은 수치를 기록했다.

U.S. economic output fell 9.5 percent in the second quarter, the biggest drop on record. That translates to a 32.9 percent annual rate of decline.
The collapse was unprecedented in its speed and breathtaking in its severity. The only possible comparisons in modern American history came during the Great Depression and the demobilization after World War II, both of which occurred before the advent of modern economic statistics.