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코로마 팬데믹으로 교외로 엑소더스하는 뉴요커들이 많아지면서 올 2분기 맨해튼 아파트 세일이 54% , 중간 가격은 100만 달러로 하락했다. 

뉴욕타임스와 CBS 뉴스와는 달리 뉴욕매거진(curbed.com)은 아니라고 주장.

Manhattan apartment sales worst on record, biggest plunge in 30 years


Real Estate Prices Fall Sharply in New York

Since the coronavirus shut the city down, the number of sales in Manhattan dropped 54 percent and the median price fell to $1 million.


Manhattan Real-Estate Market Plummets As City Dwellers Seek Housing in Rural Communities


No, Manhattan Home Prices Are Not Plummeting

Here’s what’s really going on in NYC’s housing market.

