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LA 자바시장에서 대형 의류업체 ‘앰비언스’(Ambiance Apparel)를 운영하는 노상범 대표가 통관 규정 위반, 탈세 등의 혐의에 대해 유죄를 인정하고 1억 1천 789만 7천 708달러를 배상하는데 합의했다. 벨에어에 거주하는 66살의 노상범 대표는 최대 8년의 징역형에 직면해 있다. http://www.ambianceapparel.us

*한인 의류업체·대표, 탈세 인정 1억불 합의 - 미주 중앙일보

*Fashion District Outfit and Company Owner Agree to Plead Guilty to Customs Violations, Tax Offenses and Pay Nearly $118 Million

 In conjunction with the criminal charges filed late Tuesday, prosecutors also filed plea agreements in which Ambiance Apparel and company owner Sang Bum “Ed” Noh agreed to plead guilty to felony offenses and pay a total of $117,897,708, which includes nearly $36 million in cash seized from Ambiance and Noh in 2014.

         Noh, 66, of Bel Air, agreed to plead guilty to one count of conspiracy and one count of subscribing to a false tax return, charges that carry a statutory maximum penalty of eight years in federal prison.

         Ambiance Apparel – the operating name for two corporations, Ambiance U.S.A. Inc. and Apparel Line U.S.A., Inc. – agreed to plead guilty to eight counts, including conspiracy, money laundering, and customs offenses.

한인의류업계 파워맨 톱10

한인 의류업체, 초대형 부동산 매입