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감옥 안에서 자살한 소아성애자 제프리 엡스틴의 친구였던 영국의 플레이보이 앤드류 왕자가 최소한 12명과 섹스를 했다는 폭로가 나왔다.

캐나다 작가 이안 핼퍼인은 22일 출간될 책 '이 세상 파워 엘리트의 섹스, 거짓말과 더러운 돈(Sex, Lies and Dirty Money By The World's Powerful Elite)'에서 주장했다. 핼퍼인에 따르면, 형 찰스 황태자의 그늘에 가려졌던 앤드류 왕자는 섹스 중독에 빠졌고, 특히 빨간 머리에 매혹됐으며, 엡스틴에게 약점을 잡혔다는 것.

이 책에는 영국 왕실 외에도 킴 카다시안 가문, 빌 게이츠, 클린턴 부부, 도날드 트럼프, 마이클 잭슨, 프린스, 마이클 조단, 하워드 스턴, 안젤리나 졸리, 브래드 핏, 제니퍼 애니스톤, 맥 재거, 케네디 가문, 오프라 윈프리, 블라디미르 푸틴, 그리고 교황 프란시스코까지 유명인사들을 다루었다. 

CONTROVERSY: Sex, Lies and Dirty Money By The World's Powerful Elite 

by IAN HALPERIN (Author) 

The stunning and groundbreaking six-volume book series by #1 NY Times bestselling author and award winning investigative journalist Ian Halperin. CONTROVERSY is the rollicking, scandalous, untold story behind the power, greed and corruption by the world's most powerful elite. Based on years of extensive research , undercover forays, and candid interviews, Halperin's no-holds barred investigation offers the most extensive journey ever into incredible, tumultuous and shadowy lives of the world's most famous, (alive or dead) , including The British Royal Family, The Kardashians, Bill Gates, Prince Harry, Meghan Markle, The Clintons, Donald Trump, Michael Jackson, Prince, Dr. Anthony Fauci, Michael Jordan, Howard Stern, Jeffrey Epstein, Angelina Jolie, Brad Pitt, Jennifer Aniston, Pope Francis, Mick Jagger, The Church of Scientology, Vladimir Putin, The Kennedys, Oprah Winfrey, McDonald's and many more. CONTROVERSY will go down as the mother, definitive journalistic work about the abuse of power and celebrity by the world's rich and famous.

In Volume I, Halperin goes for Royal blood. He reveals the real story of Prince Andrew's relationship with notorious sex offender Jeffrey Epstein and offers never before revealed testimony from a bevy of young girls who claim they were intimate with the Royal Prince. When Halperin wrote the best selling book about the seedy side of the fashion industry, Bad&Beautiful, he interviewed Epstein, one of the only interviews the serial pedophile ever gave to a journalist. Since then Halperin has followed the Prince Andrew saga extensively. His revelations about the disgraced Prince will make world headlines. They include allegations of rape, a secret sex tape and shady financial dealings. Halperin delves further into the fractured British monarchy, unleashing never-before-revealed details about Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's abrupt separation from the United Kingdom. He also offers up sizzling scandal on other public figures who profess to be royalty even though they are not true blue blood - including The King of Pop - Michael Jackson, Elvis Presley, music icon Prince, basketball star King Lebron James and the self-proclaimed King Of All Media - Howard Stern.

Halperin provides an unparalleled glimpse into the events and scandals that have propelled these public figures to worldwide celebrity, for better or worse. Halperin takes the story much, much further, unveiling never before revealed page turning stories of coverups, deceit, sex, drugs, illegitimate children, and abuse of power.

Note: Each volume will have a different cover.

Volume I - Royalty (From Prince Andrew to Harry and Meghan to the King of Pop to the self proclaimed King of All Media )

Volume II - Pandemic (Health)

Volume III - Hollywood And The Music Industry

Volume lV - Religion

Volume V - Sports

Volume VI - Politics

Ian Halperin is the #1 New York Times bestselling author who is widely regarded as one of the leading authorities in the world on pop culture. He is an internationally acclaimed , award-winning filmmaker, having directed and produced nine films that have sold to more than 150 countries. A specialist in undercover investigations, Halperin's subjects in the past include Michael Jackson, Lady Gaga, Kurt Cobain, Arnold Schwarzenegger, The Kardashians, Whitney Houston, Roger Waters, Charlie Sheen, Angelina Jolie and The Church of Scientology.

Praise for Ian Halperin:

"A judicious presentation of explosive material" - The New Yorker

"Halperin comes to the story determined to hold to the truth, no matter where it leads him." - The Times (U.K.)

"A fascinating portrait...Halperin is an excellent writer." - Jackie Collins

"under-the-microscope masterpiece of pop-culture reporting" - LA Weekly

Note: For Volume I the publisher will release tiny chapters of the book every Tuesday for the next 10 weeks. There is just a one time fee for the book. 

'Playboy' Prince Andrew 'was obsessed with redheads and slept with at least dozen beautiful women procured for him by pedophile friend Jeffrey Epstein', bombshell new book claims

Canadian author Ian Halperin says he has 'new testimony from a bevy of women'

He claims to have spoken to at least a dozen of Prince Andrew's former lovers 

Details are published in Sex Lies and Dirty Money By The World's Powerful Elite

