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도날드 트럼프가 2016년 대통령 선거에 출마한 것은 돈벌기 위해서였다. 뉴욕타임스가 트럼프의 세금보고를 분석한 바에 따르면, 그는 선거운동 당시 라스베가스의 트럼프 호텔로부터 2천100만 달러를 받아 챙긴 것으로 드러났다. 

In 2016, Donald Trump needed money. Tax records show how he engineered a windfall: millions in highly unusual payments from his Las Vegas hotel.
The president’s long-hidden tax records, obtained by The New York Times, reveal he received more than $21 million in what experts describe as highly unusual one-off payments from the Las Vegas hotel he owns with his friend the casino mogul Phil Ruffin.