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2019 휘트니 비엔날레에 초대됐던 마이아 루스 리(Maia Ruth Lee)가 10월 21일 맨해튼 뉴뮤지엄에서 '치유를 위한 기호와 상징(Signs and Symbols for Healing)' 워크숍을 연다. 
마이아 루스 리는 1983년 부산에서 태어나 기독교 선교사인 부모를 따라 네팔의 카트만두에서 성장했다. 홍익대에서 미술을 전공한 후 캐나다 밴쿠버의 에밀리카인스티튜트(Emily Carr Institute of Art and Design)에서 수학했다. 방과후 미술 프로그램을 운영하는 비영리기구 와이드 레인보우(Wide Rainbow)의 디렉터로 학생들을 가르친다. 사진가 남편 피터 서덜랜드(Peter Sutherland)와 뉴욕에서 살며 작업하고 있다. 

Signs and Symbols for Healing: A Workshop for Teachers with Maia Ruth Lee
10/21/20  4:30PM-6PM

Maia Ruth Lee, Auspicious Glyphs 1.2, 2016. Steel, dimensions variable. Courtesy the artist

In this hands-on workshop for teachers, Artist Maia Ruth Lee will discuss how migration and translation inform two bodies of work in her creative practice. After a discussion of the pictorial code that comprise her “Auspicious Glyphs” and the bundled forms of her “Bondage Baggage” series, educators will be invited to experiment giving symbolic language and material shape to experiences, memories, and emotions. We will reflect on how art making can create a healing space through communication and exchange and, at the same time, honor self-preservation, personal meditation, and private meaning.

This program is part of a series that brings the New Museum’s annual Convening for Contemporary Art, Education, and Social Justice online. Free workshops and discussions will be available during the 2020/21 school year on topics of “Art and Healing,” designed to consider how teachers, entering conversations with diverse knowledge and a sense of urgency for supporting each other and their students, may gain inspiration and resources that nurture creativity, socioemotional learning, and justice in education.

Capacity is limited and registration is required by October 14, 2020. Register here.

Please gather these suggested materials before the workshop:

First Activity
· A piece of clothing or fabric of any kind (t-shirt, sock, tote bag, mask, scarf, or fabric sample)
· Sharpies and/or fabric markers
· Fabric dyes and inks, paintbrushes (optional)

Second Activity
· Fabrics
· Wrapping of any kind (reuse-gift wrap, newspaper, or craftpaper)
· Re-used cardboard shipping boxes of any size that can be covered with your fabrics and wrapping material
· Tape, rope, string, or yarn
· Scissors

Maia Ruth Lee (b. 1983, Busan, South Korea) lives and works in New York. Lee has had solo exhibitions at Jack Hanley Gallery (2018) and Eli Ping Frances Perkins (2016) in New York and has participated in numerous group shows, including the Whitney Biennial at the Whitney Museum of American Art, New York (2019), and exhibitions at Parisian Laundry, Montreal (2019); Roberts & Tilton, Los Angeles (2017); CANADA, New York (2016); and Salon 94, New York (2016). She received a Rema Hort Mann Foundation grant in 2017. Lee was the Director of the nonprofit afterschool art program Wide Rainbow 2016-2020.

*2019 휘트니 비엔날레 한인작가 4인방: 크리스틴 선 김, 갈라 포라스 김, 마이아 루스 리, 신혜지