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조 바이든 제 46대 미 대통령의 인수위원회가 10일 발표됐다. 인수위원회는 국무, 국방, 교육, 보건, 에너지 등 분야별 전문가 500여명으로 구성됐으며, 코리안아메리칸 12명도 선정됐다. 

Agency Review Teams | President-Elect Joe Biden

Meet the Biden-Harris agency review teams

#연방국무부/ Department of State

제인 리/ Jane Rhee, The Estee Lauder Companies

#연방상무부/ Department of Commerce 

-카렌 현/ Karen Hyun, National Audubon Society

#연방재무부/ Department of the Treasury

-찰스 이/ Charles Yi, Arnold & Porter Kaye Scholer, LLP

-낸시 이/ Nancy Lee, Center for Global Development 

#연방에너지부/ Department of Energy

한나 리/Hannah Lee, State of California, Office of Digital Innovation

#연방재향군인부/ Department of Veterans Affairs

제리 리/ Jerry SH Lee, Ellison Institute, University of Southern California

#연방보건부/ Department of Health and Human Services

-케너스 최/ Ken Choe Hogan Lovells, LLP

-에드윈 박/ Edwin Park Georgetown University

#연방교육부/ Department of Education 

-밥 김/ Bob Kim, John Jay College of Criminal Justice

#정보국/ Intelligence Community

-Jung Pak/ 정 박(박정현), Brookings Institution

#인사관리국, Office of Personnel Management

-제인 리/ Jane Lee, 1560, LLC

#중소기업국 Small Business Administration

-엘린 김/ Ellen Kim, Roti Modern Mediterranean

