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조각가 이사무 노구치가 미드타운 건물(666 Fifth Ave.) 로비에 설치했던 작품(landscape of clouds)이 철거됐다. 롱아일랜드시티에는 뉴욕 유일의 개인작가 미술관인 노구치뮤지엄이 있다. 
이에 대해 노구치뮤지엄의 브레트 리트만(Brett Littman) 디렉터는 다음과 같은 성명서를 발표했다. 

The Isamu Noguchi Foundation and Garden Museum announces the removal of the site-specific Ceiling and Waterfall for the Lobby of 666 Fifth Avenue (1957) by Isamu Noguchi (1904–1988) from that building. Over the course of several weeks in October and November 2020, Ceiling and Waterfall for the Lobby of 666 Fifth Avenue was documented, deinstalled, and catalogued under the oversight of the Isamu Noguchi Foundation and Garden Museum. Brookfield Properties, the owner of the building and the work, covered all associated costs and has donated the components of Noguchi’s installation to the Museum.

Since 2019 the Isamu Noguchi Foundation and Garden Museum and Brookfield Properties have been in discussions about Brookfield’s plans for the lobby and about what impact their planned renovations would have on Noguchi’s work. As stewards of the artist’s legacy, the Museum advocated for the work to remain in the lobby in some form, even if that required some adaptation, and even though it had been compromised by renovations predating Brookfield’s ownership. However, Brookfield Properties, as the owner of the building and the work, elected to exercise its right to remove it.

The Isamu Noguchi Foundation and Garden Museum will now determine whether and how it might be possible to give Ceiling and Waterfall a new life in the public sphere.

Isamu Noguchi Lobby at 666 Fifth Avenue Has Been Removed

*돌 조각가 노구치의 조명 '아카리' 특별전, 2018