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Guggenheim Museum 
The Avant-Garde:Experimental Art in South Korea, 1960s–70s
Late Spring 2022
Tower 4, Thannhauser 4, Tower 5, and Tower 7 Galleries



구겐하임 뮤지엄이 2022년 봄 한국의 전위(前衛) 미술 특별전 '아방 가르드: 1960-1970년대 한국의 실험미술(The Avant-garde: Experimental Art in South Korea, 1960s–70s, 가제)'을 연다.
국립현대미술관(MMCA)와의 협약으로 열리게 될 이 특별전은 '청년작가연립전'(1967), 'AG'전(1969-1975), 'S.T'(1979-1980) 그룹 등 한국 미술사의 주요 실험미술 활동을 중심으로 이강소, 이건용, 이승택, 김구림, 성능경 등의 회화, 조각, 도자기, 비디오 설치작, 영화 등을 소개할 예정이다. 
이 전시는 프랭크 로이드 라이트가 설계한 나선형 뮤지엄 내의 갤러리 타워4, 5, 7과 탄하우저 4의 4개 갤러리에서 열린다. 구겐하임의 안휘경 큐레이터, 국립현대미술관의 강수정 큐레이터가 공동으로 기획한다. 
구겐하임은 2013년 일본의 전위그룹 구타이(Gutai, 具体) 특별전을 연 바 있다. 
Opening in 2022, the Guggenheim Museum presents The Avant-garde: Experimental Art in South Korea, 1960s–70s. This is the first exhibition in North America to explore the influential experimental art practices that emerged in South Korea in the decades following the Korean War (1950–53). Spanning the 1960s and the ’70s, it examines a group of loosely affiliated artists whose artistic production reflected and responded to the rapidly changing and globalizing sociopolitical and material conditions that shaped South Korea. The Guggenheim’s show presents the artists’ pioneering approach to materials, process, and performance, and feature seminal pieces across various media including painting, outdoor sculpture, ceramics, video installation, and film to illustrate how artists harnessed the power of contemporary languages of art to explore pressing sociohistorical and metaphysical issues. The Avant-garde: Experimental Art in South Korea, 1960s–70s offers an unprecedented opportunity to experience the creativity and breadth of this remarkable generation of Korean artists. The exhibition is the result of a collaborative research effort between the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York, and the National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Korea (MMCA). It is co-organized by Kyung An, Assistant Curator, Asian Art, Guggenheim, and Soojung Kang, Senior Curator, MMCA. <Press Release>

Hui Kyung An/ Assistant Curator, Asian Art

Kyung An, Ph.D., plays a significant role in the research, presentation, and collection of Asian and Asian-diaspora artists at the Guggenheim. Since joining the museum in 2015, she has lent key support for Art and China after 1989: Theater of the World (2017–8) and the Robert H. N. Ho Family Foundation Chinese Art Initiative exhibitions Tales of Our Time (2016–17) and One Hand Clapping (2018). In addition, An contributes to collection growth through her appointment on the Young Collectors Council and as one of the founding curators of the Asian Art Circle. In 2020, she helped launch the educational resource Teaching Modern and Contemporary Asian Art.
An has published extensively on Korean artists such as Ha Chong-Hyun and Lee Seung-taek. She was also a contributing author to May You Live in Interesting Times: Biennale Arte 2019 (Venice: La Biennale di Venezia, 2019) and Guggenheim Museum Collection: A to Z (New York: Guggenheim Museum, 2019). In 2017, she coauthored Who’s Afraid of Contemporary Art? (London and New York: Thames & Hudson), which has been translated into five languages. An was awarded an Arts and Humanities Research Council grant (2011–14) and the Curatorial Research Fellowship from the Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts (2019–21). She received her BA and MA in art history from the Courtauld Institute of Art, University of London, where she also obtained her Ph.D. in 2015. https://www.guggenheim.org
강수정 (KANG SOOJUNG, 姜秀靜)/ 국립현대미술관 전시1과장
-전시기획: <한국현대미술의 전개 시리즈 : 전환과 역동의 시대>, <힌국현대미술의 전개 시리즈 : 사유와 감성의 시대>, <한국미술 100년 1부>, <한국미술의 리얼리즘 : 민중의 고동>, <언어의 그늘 : 바르셀로나 현대미술관 소장품>
-수상경력: 2020 (사)한국박물관협회 제23회 자랑스런 박물관인상 중진부문
-출판: 2019 『큐레이팅을 말하다(공저)』 미메시스, 2018 『빨강, 파랑, 그리고 노랑』(공저) 국립현대미술관, 현실문화연구, 2016 『미술비평 : 이론과 실천』(공저) 에이앤씨
-논문: 「공공 미술관의 문화 정치학적 특성과 실천 행위로서 전시의 역할」 홍익대 박사학위
*구겐하임, 전후 잿더미에서 싹튼 일본 전위미술 구체(Gutai)' 특별전 'Gutai: Splendid Playground', 2013
*세계 미술계에 부는 한국 단색화 열풍 <2> 크리스티 뉴욕 거장전(10/8-23)