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할리우드 스타 톰 크루즈(58)가 15일 런던의 '미션 임파서블(Mission Impossible 3)' 촬영장에서 코로나 '6피트 거리 두기'를 위반한 촬영 스탭에 노발대발해 욕설을 퍼부었다고. 시나리오 없는 톰 크루즈의 광란의 대사가 공개된 후 스탭 5명이 사임했다고. 조지 클루니, 우피 골드버그 등은 톰 크루즈의 코로나 방역 수칙을 준수하려는 톰 크루즈를 지지했다. 영국의 '선(SUN)'지가 공개한 톰크루즈의 폭풍 욕설. 

"난 매일 밤 모든 쌍 스튜디오, 보험회사, 제작자들과 통화하며, 그들은 우리를 지켜보고 있오, 우리를 이용해 그들의 영화를 만들고 있단 말야. 우리는 수천개의 일자리를 만들고 있단 말야 이 자식들아!" 

#We want the gold standard. They’re back there in Hollywood making movies right now because of us! Because they believe in us and what we’re doing!

#I’m on the phone with every f***ing studio at night, insurance companies, producers, and they’re looking at us and using us to make their movies. We are creating thousands of jobs you motherf***ers.

#I don’t ever want to see it again, ever! And if you don’t do it you’re fired, if I see you do it again you’re f***ing gone. And if anyone in this crew does it - that’s it, and you too and you too. And you, don’t you ever f***ing do it again.

#That’s it! No apologies. You can tell it to the people that are losing their fing homes because our industry is shut down. It’s not going to put food on their table or pay for their college education. 

#That’s what I sleep with every night. The future of this f***ing industry! So I’m sorry I am beyond your apologies. I have told you and now I want it and if you don’t do it you’re out. We are not shutting this f***ing movie down! Is it understood?

# If I see it again you’re f***ing gone — and you are — so you’re going to cost him his job, if I see it on the set you’re gone and you’re gone.That’s it. Am I clear?

#Do you understand what I want? Do you understand the responsibility that you have? Because I will deal with your reason. And if you can’t be reasonable and I can’t deal with your logic, you’re fired. That’s it. That is it.

#I trust you guys to be here. That’s it. That’s it guys. Have a little think about it. . .[inaudible].That’s what I think of Universal and Paramount. Warner Brothers. Movies are going because of us. If we shut down it’s going to cost people f***ing jobs, their home, their family. That’s what’s happening. 

#All the way down the line. And I care about you guys, but if you’re not going to help me you’re gone. OK? Do you see that stick? How many metres is that? 

#When people are standing around a f***ing computer and hanging out around here, what are you doing? And if they don’t comply then send their names to Matt Spooner. That’s it.

A CREW LOOSE Tom Cruise Covid rant: Five Mission Impossible crew quit after furious star erupts on film set AGAIN

Tom Cruise Erupts at ‘Mission: Impossible’ Crew Over Covid-19 Breach
On a film set in Britain, the actor tore into the crew with an expletive-laden rant. Production of the blockbuster film had previously been delayed by the pandemic.
